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发布时间:2018-06-13 02:49

  本文选题:高校科研团队 + 成长环境 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校科研团队作为高校科研活动的重要载体,每年承担着国家级或省部级重大课题,为高校的科学研究和国家科技水平的提升起着重要的推动作用。随着经济全球化的持续深入,各国面临的环境日益复杂,各国在建设创新体系过程中会遇到各种阻力,而高校科研团队作为创新体系的关键组成部分,也会受到国内外不确定性环境的影响,延滞高校科研团队的成长。为此,本文对高校科研团队在其成长进程中所面对的环境进研究,评价高校科研团队成长环境状况,这具有重要的现实价值和理论意义。 首先,本文对团队内涵与特征、高校科研团队的内涵与特征、高校科研团队的组织结构的影响因素及组类、高校科研团队成长环境的构成进行全面分析和综述,指出高校科研团队成长环境由基础环境、政策环境、科技环境和信息环境四个方面构成;其次,根据以往学者的研究基础,提出了高校科研团队成长环境的原始评价指标体系,并运用群组决策特征根法对原始评价指标做出识别,识别后的指标为最终的高校科研团队成长环境评价指标体系,由4个二级指标和12三级指标组成;再次,选取了哈尔滨工程大学15个科研团队,根据专家打分所收集的评价数据,运用因子分析法对15个样本团队进行综合的实证评价,评价其团队成长所面临环境的状况;最后,基于实证结果的分析,分别从改善基础环境、政策环境、科技环境和信息环境四个方面提出改善高校科研团队成长环境的对策。
[Abstract]:As an important carrier of scientific research activities in colleges and universities, the scientific research team of colleges and universities undertakes the important task of national level or provincial level every year, which plays an important role in promoting the scientific research and the promotion of national science and technology level in colleges and universities. With the continuous deepening of economic globalization, countries are faced with increasingly complex environment, countries will encounter various kinds of resistance in the process of building innovation system, and university scientific research team as a key component of the innovation system. It will also be affected by the uncertain environment at home and abroad, delaying the growth of scientific research teams in colleges and universities. Therefore, this paper studies the environmental development of the scientific research team in colleges and universities in the process of its growth, and evaluates the development environment of the scientific research team in colleges and universities, which has important practical value and theoretical significance. First of all, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis and summary on the connotation and characteristics of the team, the factors affecting the organizational structure of the scientific research team in colleges and universities, and the composition of the growing environment of the scientific research team in colleges and universities. The paper points out that the growth environment of scientific research team in colleges and universities is composed of four aspects: basic environment, policy environment, scientific and technological environment and information environment. Secondly, according to the research basis of previous scholars, the paper puts forward the original evaluation index system of the growth environment of scientific research team in colleges and universities. The group decision feature root method is used to identify the original evaluation index. The identified index is the final evaluation index system of university scientific research team growth environment, which is composed of 4 secondary indicators and 12 third grade indicators. Selected 15 research teams of Harbin Engineering University, according to the evaluation data collected by experts, using factor analysis to evaluate the comprehensive empirical evaluation of 15 sample teams, to evaluate the environment of their team growth; finally, Based on the analysis of empirical results, this paper puts forward countermeasures to improve the growth environment of scientific research teams in colleges and universities from four aspects: improving the basic environment, the policy environment, the scientific and technological environment and the information environment.


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