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发布时间:2018-06-13 02:52

  本文选题:大学生 + 消费主义倾向 ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:消费主义作为一种意识形态,伴随着改革开放传到中国,并随着我国经济的不断发展而愈演愈烈这不可避免地影响到了大学生的消费观念,消费主义泛滥导致了大学生中出现了炫耀消费过度消费等不良的消费行为大学生作为国家和民族的未来,指导他们树立正确的消费观有着非常重要的意义近年来关于消费主义和大学生消费观的理论研究逐步升温,成为高校思政教育研究领域的一个新的热点相对于理论研究,实证研究比较缺乏,因此开展大学生消费主义倾向的实证研究,对进一步开展研究大学生的消费观教育有着积极的意义 消费主义倾向与消费主义是不同的概念,消费主义倾向是描述消费主义接受程度现有研究大多集中在消费主义对大学生消费观消费行为的影响,中国不是一个完全形态的消费社会,大学生与西方消费社会下的消费者有很大不同在忽略此不同基础上的研究结果,必然与现实有很大偏差本文开展的消费主义倾向的研究,考证大学生中受消费主义影响的基本状况如何,,并以此为出发点展开关于消费主义倾向的具体研究和关联分析 论文共由为四部分组成,第一部分主要介绍了研究的背景研究的意义选题的由来理论的研究现状以及论文的创新点和研究使用的方法第二部分中首先对论文中使用的概念做了界定,并对使用的相关统计学方法做了简介其次对消费主义的发展做了简单的梳理,论述了其兴起的背景和具有的特征,指出了其意识形态的本质,为后文的研究奠定理论基础第三部分是论文的主干,展开了关于消费主义倾向的实证研究本部分中首先指出了消费主义不等于消费主义倾向;其次设计了大学生消费主义倾向调研的指标,并解释了指标设计的意义;再次我们开始对大学生消费主义倾向的实证分析,证明大学生表现出了较强消费主义倾向,并对大学生卷入消费主义的广度和深度做了考察这部分中我们还用统计学的方法对大学生的基本情况消费结构消费行为消费观念等因素与大学生消费主义倾向做了关联性的比对研究,并对它在大学生中的传播运行做了一些微观测量分析,总结在实证调研中发现的新观点和问题论文的第四部分在前面验证结果和调研的基础上,指出了消费主义对大学生的危害;并对加强大学生消费观教育,提出了一些实践层面和微观层面的意见在文章的最后一部分——结论中,对本文的研究成果从整体上做了概括阐述
[Abstract]:Consumerism as an ideology, along with the reform and opening up to China, and with the continuous development of the economy in China, which inevitably affected the consumption concept of college students. The proliferation of consumerism has led to the emergence of undesirable consumption behaviors such as showing off excessive consumption among college students as the future of the country and the nation. In recent years, the theoretical research on consumerism and college students' consumption view has gradually increased, which has become a new hot spot in the field of ideological and political education research in colleges and universities. There is a lack of empirical research, so it is a different concept to carry out an empirical study on the consumerism tendency of college students, which has a positive meaning to further study the consumption view education of college students. The tendency of consumerism is to describe the acceptance of consumerism. Most of the existing studies focus on the influence of consumerism on the consumption behavior of college students. China is not a complete consumer society. There is a great difference between college students and consumers in the western consumer society on the basis of ignoring this different research results, which is bound to deviate greatly from the reality of the consumerism tendency research carried out in this paper. This paper explores the basic situation of college students affected by consumerism, and starts with the specific research and relevance analysis of consumerism tendency, which is composed of four parts. The first part mainly introduces the significance of the research background, the research status of the origin theory of the topic, the innovation of the paper and the methods used in the research. The second part defines the concepts used in the paper. Then, the author briefly combs the development of consumerism, discusses the background and characteristics of its rise, and points out the essence of its ideology. The third part is the main body of the thesis. In this part, the author points out that consumerism is not equal to consumerism tendency. Secondly, it designs the index of college students' consumerism tendency investigation, and explains the significance of the index design. Thirdly, we begin to analyze the college students' consumerism tendency, and prove that college students have strong consumerism tendency. In this part, we also use statistical method to analyze the basic situation of college students, such as consumption structure, consumption behavior, consumption concept, and college students' consumerism tendency. A comparative study of relevance, And it has made some microcosmic measurement and analysis to its spreading operation among college students, and summarized the new viewpoints and problems found in the empirical research. The fourth part of the thesis is based on the results of the previous verification and research. This paper points out the harm of consumerism to college students, and puts forward some practical and microscopic views on strengthening the education of consumption view of college students in the last part of the article-conclusion. The research results of this paper are summarized and expounded in the whole.


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