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发布时间:2018-06-15 10:47

  本文选题:高校辅导员 + 团队 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国高等教育大众化的不断深入,教育改革的日益推进,大学教育越来越国际化,同时随着学分制的推行,学生数量的增多,高校的辅导员面临着前所未有的挑战。而高校辅导员作为高等学校教师队伍和管理队伍的重要组成部分,直接面对学生,是学生思想政治教育、日常事务管理、社会化转变的非常重要的角色。党的十八大报告提出要把立德树人作为教育的根本任务,表明德育工作在整个教育工作中的重要性,而在高等教育阶段承担大学生德育工作的最重要的力量就是辅导员。 可是面对新时期学生人数的急剧增加,媒体方式的多样化,信息的多元化,出现了许多新的情况、新的问题,单纯依靠以往松散的辅导员队伍已经不能很好的管理学生,所以必须提高辅导员自身素质,,对辅导员队伍进行有效整合,形成高校辅导员团队,构建1+X+Y的团队结构,全方位、多角度的管理学生、服务学生,不仅对学生进行思想政治教育,还要很好的开展心理健康教育、就业指导等等,进而提高学生素质,建设和谐校园。 本文在理论分析的基础上注重案例的分析,理论与实际相结合,以某所高校辅导员队伍的现状为切入点,通过问卷调查与个别访谈法结合的方式,与辅导员面对面交流,真正对辅导员团队建设中存在的问题和弊端进行了系统分析,并针对这些问题提出可行措施。本文分五章展开内容:绪论部分对论文的研究背景和研究意义进行探讨,并对国内国外关于辅导员团队建设的文献进行了分析,提出论文的研究目标和主要创新之处。第二章:对高校辅导员团队建设相关的概念进行阐述分析,涉及团队的概念与特征,辅导员团队的概念及分类与特征,辅导员团队建设的原则。第三章:阐述辅导员团队的理论依据,为本论文提纲理论支撑。第四章:对高校辅导员进行调查问卷发放,以此对辅导员团队建设现状掌握并分析,深入思考目前存在的问题及原因。第五章:根据上一部分提出解决目前高校辅导员团队建设的对策,分别从团队结构、目标设置、团队气氛、信息交流、领导方式五个方面进行建议。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the popularization of higher education and the promotion of educational reform, university education is becoming more and more international. With the implementation of the credit system and the increase of the number of students, college counselors are facing unprecedented challenges. As an important part of college teachers and management team, college counselors directly face students and play a very important role in the ideological and political education, daily affairs management and socialization transformation of students. The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) proposed that the cultivation of morality should be regarded as the fundamental task of education, indicating the importance of moral education in the whole work of education, and the most important force in undertaking moral education for college students in the stage of higher education is the counsellor. However, in the face of the sharp increase in the number of students in the new period, the diversification of media methods and the diversification of information, many new situations have emerged. New problems have arisen. Simply relying on the loose team of counsellors in the past has not been able to manage students very well. So we must improve the counselors' own quality, integrate the counselors' team effectively, form the college counselors' team, construct the 1XY's team structure, manage the students in all directions and from many angles, and serve the students. Not only the ideological and political education, but also the psychological health education, employment guidance, and so on, can improve the students' quality and build a harmonious campus. On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper focuses on case analysis, combining theory with practice, taking the present situation of counselors in a certain university as the breakthrough point, and communicating with counselors face to face by means of questionnaire survey and individual interview. The problems and disadvantages in the construction of counselors' team are analyzed systematically, and some feasible measures are put forward. This paper is divided into five chapters: the introduction part discusses the research background and significance of the thesis, and analyzes the domestic and foreign literature on counselors' team building, and puts forward the research objectives and main innovations of the paper. The second chapter expounds and analyzes the related concepts of college counselors' team building, including the concept and characteristics of the team, the concept and classification of the counselors' team, and the principles of the counselors' team building. The third chapter: explain the theoretical basis of the counselors team, for the outline of this paper theoretical support. Chapter four: the college counselors are given the questionnaire, so as to grasp and analyze the status quo of the counselors' team construction, and to think deeply about the existing problems and reasons. The fifth chapter: according to the previous part, the author puts forward the countermeasures to solve the current college counselors' team building, respectively from five aspects: team structure, goal setting, team atmosphere, information exchange, and leadership style.


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