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发布时间:2018-06-15 10:51

  本文选题:高校 + 学业评价模式 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:学业评价模式决定着教育评价活动的成败,对学业评价活动的开展起指导作用。随着教育实践多样化和复杂化的深入,教育评价领域出现了几十种评价模式。由于每一种模式都有其特定的评价理念、基本理论、评价思路和方法,因此不同的评价模式各有优劣,适用范围各不相同。正确选择学生学业评价模式对学业评价改革具有重要的理论与实践价值。长期以来,我国高校学生学业评价普遍采用泰勒的目标导向模式。但是随着教育实践与改革的不断发展进步,教育评价理念不断更新,学业评价的视域范围也随之扩展,传统评价模式已经不能适应当前高校学业评价工作改革的需要,,其弊端开始严重阻碍学生素质的提高。在这种背景下,如何正确选择与运用学生学业评价模式,既是当前高校师生共同关注的方向,也是亟待研究和解决的课题。 通过相关文献资料的查阅与归纳分析,将学生学业评价模式归纳为预定式学业评价模式和非预定式学业评价模式两类基本模式。预定式学业评价模式以泰勒的目标导向模式为代表,强调以预定的教育目标为依据,确定评价内容、制定评价标准,实施评价。该模式具有严谨的结构并且直接反映目标和学生的进展情况,因此备受推崇。但是该模式过于强调教育目标及目标的达成度,导致教育活动紧紧朝向目标规定的方向发展,而预定目标之外的非预期效应被忽视,大大限制了评价的范围;另外预定目标本身的合理性也无法判断。这些弊端直接导致评价流于片面,不能全面、有效、科学的反映学生学业水平。非预定式学业评价模式以“多元主义”价值观为导向,强调目标的不确定性,主张在评价过程中,所有评价相关者平等合作、协商制定评价目标、标准和内容,并根据需要随时改进;主张采用定量与定性相结合的方式共同完成对学业的评价。非预定式学业评价模式在很大程度上改进了预定式评价模式的不足,但由于实施程序复杂,成本高昂,且对评价者素质要求高,实施起来比较困难。两类模式各有利弊,每一种模式都有其适用的范围和条件。 经过对当前我国高校学业评价模式的选择现状进行调查分析后发现,预定式学业评价模式在我国高校学业评价中长期以来一直占据主导地位,但也有部分高校教师尝试运用非预定式评价模式。当前我国高校学生学业评价模式选择与运用过程中存在的主要问题包括:学业评价模式单一且以偏概全;模式选择受制于教师主观判断;与学生学业评价改革耦合性低;与素质教育要求匹配性差。综合分析,产生这些问题的最根本原因是当前指导我国高校学业评价模式选择的理论与实践研究不足。 综合运用规范分析与实证分析后认为,高校在选择学生学业评价模式应该注意遵循发展性、差异性、实效性和开放性等一般原则。其具体选择策略包括:以明确评价目的为学业评价模式选择的前提;依据学业评价内容的不同,选择学业评价模式;强化教师理论知识水平和评价技能,不断提高教师评价素养;借鉴有益经验,树立权变思想。
[Abstract]:The academic evaluation model determines the success and failure of educational evaluation activities and guides the development of academic evaluation activities . With the diversification and complexity of educational practice , there are dozens of evaluation modes in the field of education evaluation .

This model is based on Taylor ' s goal - oriented model . It emphasizes that the goal - oriented model of Taylor is based on the goal - oriented model of Taylor , the evaluation content is determined , the evaluation criterion is established , and the evaluation is carried out . The model has strict structure and directly reflects the progress of the target and students , which leads to the development of educational activities in the direction of the target , and the unintended effect beyond the intended goal is ignored , which greatly limits the scope of evaluation ;
In addition , the rationality of the target itself cannot be determined . These drawbacks directly result in the evaluation of the students ' academic level . The non - pre - defined academic evaluation model is guided by the " pluralism " values , emphasizes the uncertainty of the goal , advocates the equal cooperation of all the stakeholders in the evaluation process , develops the evaluation goals , standards and content , and improves at any time according to the needs ;
It is argued that quantitative and qualitative methods are combined to accomplish the evaluation of academic studies . Non - pre - defined academic evaluation models have improved the deficiencies of the pre - defined evaluation model to a large extent . However , because the implementation procedure is complex , the cost is high , and the quality requirement of the evaluator is high , it is difficult to implement it . Both modes have advantages and disadvantages , and each mode has its application scope and conditions .

After the investigation and analysis of the current situation of the selection of academic evaluation model in China ' s colleges and universities , it is found that the pre - established academic evaluation model has been dominant for a long time in the evaluation of academic performance in our country , but some university teachers have tried to apply the non - predetermined evaluation mode .
the mode selection is subject to the subjective judgment of the teacher ;
There is a low coupling between the students ' academic evaluation and reform ;
The most basic reason for these problems is the lack of theoretical and practical research on the choice of academic evaluation model in China .

After the comprehensive application of normative analysis and empirical analysis , it is believed that the universities should pay attention to the general principles of development , difference , effectiveness , openness and so on .
According to the content of academic evaluation , choose the academic evaluation model ;
To strengthen the level of theoretical knowledge and the evaluation skills of teachers , and to improve the teachers ' quality of evaluation ;
To learn from the useful experience , set up the right to change the thought .


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1 张花;第四代评价理论视角下我国高校学生学业评价研究[D];山东大学;2010年




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