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发布时间:2018-06-15 23:51

  本文选题:幸福感 + 幸福观 ; 参考:《南华大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:党的十八报告提出“建设美丽中国”,最终目的是为了提升人民幸福指数。习总书记号召全党全国各族人民齐心共筑“中国梦”,其本质内涵是实现国家富强、民族复兴、人民幸福。“建设美丽中国,幸福中国梦”,“关注民生,让老百姓生活幸福”已然成为了中国共产党的施政理念。可见,古往今来,人们都在不懈地追求幸福,它是一个亘古不变的话题。人们对幸福的基本看法和观点就是幸福观。要树立正确的幸福观,对其进行教育是树立科学幸福观是主要方法。 文章从分析“高校知识女性”、“幸福感”、“幸福观”及“幸福观教育”的概念入手,对幸福观教育的研究成果进行梳理和整理,阐述了幸福感与幸福观的内在关系。笔者通过对本市几所高校进行实地走访和问卷调查,对高校知识女性幸福观现状进行分析,在肯定高校知识女性有一定幸福感的同时,认为知识女性感受幸福能力上的不足,由此提出加强知识女性幸福观教育的主要途径。高校知识女性作为和谐社会建设进程中的重要群体,她们担负着生产、生活中的重要角色,她们年轻、有个性、学历高,她们拥有正确的幸福观,将对我国未来发展与社会进步产生非常重要的影响。如何提高我国高校知识女性的幸福感,使知识女性树立正确的幸福观,这方面的研究无疑会对知识女性的生活有着非常重要的指导意义。 文章除了绪论和结语外,共分四章。第一章,高校知识女性幸福感与幸福观概述;第二章,高校知识女性幸福观现状调查及分析;第三章,高校知识女性幸福观教育的必要性和内容;第四章,,加强高校知识女性幸福观的教育途径。 文章的创新之处在于:一是对幸福感与幸福观的内在关系,尚属首次提出。二是对知识女性的角色特征的概括;三是提出加强对高校知识女性幸福观教育的必要性和内容;四是在加强高校知识女性的幸福观教育途径中,提出四种相结合等观点属较早提出。
[Abstract]:The eighteen report of the party proposed "building a beautiful China". The ultimate aim is to improve the people's happiness index. The general secretary called on the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups to build a "Chinese dream". Its essence is to realize the prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation and the happiness of the people. "Building a beautiful China, a happy Chinese dream", "the people's livelihood, the people, and the people." Life happiness has already become the political idea of the Communist Party of China. It can be seen that in the past and present people are pursuing happiness unremittingly. It is an everlasting topic. The basic idea and view of happiness is the concept of happiness. To set up a correct outlook on happiness and to teach it is the main way to establish a scientific happiness view.
This article, starting with the analysis of the concept of "university knowledge women", "happiness", "Happiness Concept" and "education of happiness", combs and collate the research achievements of happiness outlook education, and expounds the inner relationship between happiness and happiness outlook. The present situation of the concept of sexual happiness is analyzed. At the same time, it is affirmed that the knowledge women have a certain sense of happiness, and that the knowledge women feel the lack of happiness. Thus, the main way to strengthen the education of the happy outlook on knowledge women is put forward. The knowledge women in higher education are the important groups in the process of building a harmonious society, and they bear the production and life. Important roles, young, personality, high education, they have a correct outlook on happiness, will have a very important impact on the future development and social progress of our country. How to improve the happiness of knowledge women in Chinese colleges and universities so that knowledge women can set up a correct outlook on happiness, this research will undoubtedly have a very heavy life on the life of knowledge women. The guiding significance of it.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the article is divided into four chapters. The first chapter, the summary of the happiness and happiness of knowledge women in Colleges and universities; the second chapter, the investigation and analysis of the status quo of the happiness concept of knowledge women in Colleges and universities; the third chapter, the necessity and content of the education of the happiness outlook of knowledge women in Colleges and universities; the fourth chapter, the way to strengthen the education of knowledge women's happiness in Colleges and universities.
The innovation of the article lies in the following: first, the intrinsic relationship between happiness and happiness concept is first proposed. Two is the generalization of the character of the female knowledge; the three is to put forward the necessity and content of strengthening the education of the happy outlook on knowledge women in Colleges and universities; four is to put forward four phases in the way of strengthening the education of happiness in the knowledge female of colleges and universities. A combination of ideas is proposed earlier.


相关期刊论文 前3条

1 付原野;;论马克思主义哲学幸福观[J];改革与开放;2011年06期

2 吴明霞;30年来西方关于主观幸福感的理论发展[J];心理学动态;2000年04期

3 马婕妤;;浅析独立学院大学生幸福观教育的有效途径[J];学园(教育科研);2012年23期




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