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发布时间:2018-06-16 04:12

  本文选题:新建应用型本科院校 + 大学生 ; 参考:《中国成人教育》2015年24期

[Abstract]:The employment problem of college students is becoming more and more serious and has become one of the hot issues concerned by the whole society. The employment of college students is not only related to the future development of universities, but also to the stability and unity of society. It is imperative to construct a scientific and reasonable employment system for college students. In order to construct the employment system of college students, it is necessary to study the contents and construction strategies of the employment system of students in the new applied undergraduate colleges, combining with the actual characteristics and development orientation of the new applied undergraduate colleges and universities. In order to promote the employment guidance of college students, improve the employment rate of students.
【作者单位】: 西安欧亚学院人文教育学院英语教研室;


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