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发布时间:2018-06-18 04:13

  本文选题:高校社团 + 就业 ; 参考:《内蒙古科技大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国高等教育的大众化步伐逐步加快,日益严峻的大学生就业形势使高校和毕业生都面临着就业难题。而社会中就业岗位日益饱和的现状也对大学生产生了严重影响,广大高校应加强大学生的就业引导教育和提高大学生的就业能力,使更多的毕业生选择理想的就业模式、开拓广阔的就业空间。 本文以高校社团为突破口,引导学生在就业过程中认清社会就业形势,开展理想信念教育,形成职业规划意识,塑造大学生正确的成才观和就业观。以大学生自我探索自我学习为起点,充分利用大学生社团在就业方面的引导作用,引导大学生树立高尚的人生观和价值观,提升学生个人素质和能力,培养大学生积极进取的人生态度和乐观向上的精神状态。因此,本课题的研究对高校思想政治教育提供了一定的理论借鉴意义,对大学生社团建设理论也有所参考。对高校社团的研究也有助于当今校园文化的建设和发展,对提升高校在社会中的综合竞争力具有积极的现实意义。 本文是以高校社团为平台,通过对辽宁师范大学,内蒙古科技大学,抚顺石油大学等几所高校的学生进行问卷调查,初步探讨高校社团在就业引导中存在的功利化思想,,对社团投入不足,对创业就业类社团不够重视等现实问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。 论文内容由四个部分组成。第一部分是绪论,分别介绍了选题背景、国内外研究现状、选题意义及目的、研究思路及方法和创新点。第二部分是概念综述,通过对高校社团的概念界定及对高校社团的类型及就业引导作用的分析和当前我国大学生就业引导现状的研究,简要介绍高校社团的现状及对大学生就业起到的促进作用。第三部分是通过调查问卷的形式对大学生社团引导就业情况进行调查,着重分析当前高校社团开展就业引导过程中存在的不足及原因,并对特定功能社团、创业就业类社团进行具体分析和介绍。第四部分对当前高校社团就业引导作用提出建议和对策,充分发挥其在促进就业上的作用。并对未来社团就业引导作用提出展望。
[Abstract]:With the popularization of higher education in our country, the increasingly severe employment situation of college students makes both colleges and graduates face employment problems. However, the increasingly saturated employment position in the society also has a serious impact on college students. The vast number of colleges and universities should strengthen the employment guidance education of college students and improve their employment ability, so that more graduates can choose the ideal employment mode. Open up broad employment space. This article takes the university community as the breakthrough point, guides the student to recognize the social employment situation in the employment process, develops the ideal and belief education, forms the occupation plan consciousness, molds the university student's correct view of talent and the employment view. Taking the self-exploration and self-study of college students as the starting point, we should make full use of the leading role of college students' associations in employment, guide them to set up noble outlook on life and values, and improve students' personal quality and ability. Cultivate students' positive and enterprising life attitude and optimistic and upward state of mind. Therefore, the study of this subject provides some theoretical reference for ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and also provides some reference for the theory of college students' association construction. The study of university community is also helpful to the construction and development of campus culture and has positive practical significance to promote the comprehensive competitiveness of colleges and universities in the society. Based on the platform of university associations, this paper makes a questionnaire survey on the students of Liaoning normal University, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Fushun Petroleum University and so on, and preliminarily probes into the utilitarian thought existing in the employment guidance of colleges and universities. Some practical problems, such as insufficient investment in associations and insufficient attention to entrepreneurial and employment associations, are put forward in this paper. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part is the introduction, which introduces the background of the topic, the current situation of domestic and foreign research, the significance and purpose of the topic, the ideas and methods of the research and the innovation. The second part is an overview of the concept, through the definition of the concept of university associations and the analysis of the types of university associations and the role of employment guidance and the current situation of college students' employment guidance research. This paper briefly introduces the present situation of university community and its promoting effect on college students' employment. The third part is to investigate the employment situation of college students' associations through the form of questionnaire, focusing on the analysis of the shortcomings and reasons in the process of employment guidance, and the specific functional associations. Entrepreneurship and employment associations to carry out specific analysis and introduction. In the fourth part, the author puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures on the guiding role of college mass organizations in employment, and gives full play to its role in promoting employment. And put forward the prospect to the future society employment guidance function.


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