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发布时间:2018-06-18 03:17

  本文选题:大学主观评估 + 高校学生社团 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校学生社团泛指由高校学生依据兴趣爱好自愿组成,按照章程自主开展活动的学生组织,它的建立不仅是为了实现某些外向性的指标,更重要的是基于成员自身的“社会文化”的奠基性学习需要,在高校中扮演着重要的角色。近年来,我国高校学生社团建设中的各种偏弊与局限愈益成为阻碍学生社团功能释放的掣肘。“六盒模型”为高校学生社团诊断与评估提供了独特的分析路径和理论框架,建立在文件系统与执行系统视阈下的高校学生社团要素诊断标准将实质推进高校学生社团的自我评估与自主完善。 本文首先系统梳理了学者们有关高校学生社团的研究成果,在第二章中,本文将引入高校学生社团诊断与评估的理论框架。笔者通过广泛地查阅文献、文件,在大连5所高校的学生社团中进行问卷调查,收集了大量详实的第一手材料。论文在“六盒模型”的分析框架下,首次编制出包括高校学生社团目标、结构、人际关系、激励机制、社团领导和参与机制等六个维度的《高校学生社团组织状况调查问卷》。论文在大连理工大学、大连海事大学、辽宁师范大学、大连民族学院、大连大学等五所高校中,随机选取500名有高校学生活动经历的大学生进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷432份。在大学生主观评估的基础上,本文发现当前我国得出目前高校学生社团存在下列问题:第一,社团活动不能达到预期目标;第二,社团结构缺乏完善的内部管理机制;第三,社团缺乏团队合作精神;第四,社团建设缺乏健全的激励机制;第五,社团领导缺乏随机应变的能力;第六,参与机制下突发事件解决能力的因素。本文基于高校学生社团建设中凸显的上述六方面问题,提出如下六方面旨在是指推进高校学生社团建设的对策:其一,着力加强高校学生社团目标建设;其二,完善高校学生社团的管理机制;其三,提高高校学生社团的团结协作精神;其四,健全高校学生社团的激励机制;其五,提高高校学生社团组织者的领导力;其六,关注高校学生社团成员的个体发展诉求。
[Abstract]:College student associations generally refer to student organizations that are formed voluntarily by college students according to their interests and hobbies and carry out their activities independently according to the articles of association. It is not only established to achieve some extroverted indicators. More importantly, it plays an important role in colleges and universities based on the fundamental learning needs of members' own "social culture". In recent years, various disadvantages and limitations in the construction of college student associations in China have become more and more hindering the release of the function of student associations. The "six-box model" provides a unique analytical path and theoretical framework for the diagnosis and evaluation of college student associations. The diagnostic criteria of college student association elements based on file system and execution system will actually promote the self-evaluation and self-improvement of college student associations. In the second chapter, this paper introduces the theoretical framework of diagnosis and evaluation of college student associations. Through extensive reference to the literature and documents, the author conducted a questionnaire survey in the student associations of 5 universities in Dalian, and collected a large number of detailed first-hand materials. Under the framework of "six box model", the questionnaire of college students' community organization status is compiled for the first time, which includes six dimensions, such as university students' community goal, structure, interpersonal relationship, incentive mechanism, community leadership and participation mechanism. In the five universities of Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Liaoning normal University, Dalian Institute for nationalities, Dalian University for nationalities and Dalian University, 500 college students with activity experience were randomly selected and 432 valid questionnaires were collected. On the basis of the subjective evaluation of college students, this paper finds that the following problems exist in the current university student associations: first, the community activities can not reach the expected goal; second, the community structure lacks a perfect internal management mechanism; third, Community lack of teamwork spirit; fourth, lack of a sound incentive mechanism for community construction; fifth, community leaders lack the ability to adapt to the situation; sixth, participation mechanism under the emergency resolution ability factors. Based on the above six problems in the construction of college student associations, this paper puts forward the following six aspects to promote the construction of college student associations: first, to strengthen the construction of university student associations; second, Improve the management mechanism of college student associations; third, improve the spirit of unity and cooperation of university student associations; fourth, improve the incentive mechanism of university student associations; fifth, improve the leadership of university student association organizers; sixth, Pay close attention to the individual development appeal of the university student association member.


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