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发布时间:2018-06-18 23:23

  本文选题:网络舆情 + 高校形象 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着网络时代的来临,人类生活方方面面都深深打上了网络的烙印。在高校里,大量的师生员工成为网民的一员,高校学子通过网络发帖发言、表达心声,与此同时,社会各界对于高校的看法、评价及其他与高校相关的信息也通过网络传播、扩散开来,对高校形象形成、传播产生重要影响。另一方面,当下我国高等学校及高校教育正面临着前所未有的新形势,高校的建设水平距离世界一流大学还有一定的差距,高校发展过程中面临着层出不穷的矛盾和问题,由于缺乏利用网络打造并维护良好高校形象及进行相关应急处理的经验,加之意识不强或者思路不对头,许多高校在监控和应对网络舆情提升高校影响力方面往往手忙脚乱、不知所措,特别是在一些紧急的网络舆情危机面前无能为力,造成了严重的后果,从而严重损害了高校形象。 本文运用了新闻传播学与公共管理学的相关原理,对网络舆情对高校形象的影响,高校在应对网络舆情、维护自身形象方面存在的问题,高校应对处理网络舆情失当的原因,利用网络舆情维护高校形象的策略等方面进行了研究,提出:网络舆情具有促进高校形象展示与宣传、打造高校形象“个性名片”、发挥民情民意“晴雨表”功能、营造良性高校管理环境、有益于高校开展危机管理等积极作用,也可能导致成为高校内外部矛盾的放大器,传播谣言、降低高校诚信,散播有害敌对信息导致群体性事件,阻挠高校有效管理、导致秩序失控等负面影响,当前高校的应对方式还存在网络管理缺乏针对性、网络宣传与网情脱节等问题,这主要是由于意识、观念陈旧,处理、应对失误造成的,要科学应对网络舆情为打造高校形象服务,一是要树立现代高校管理意识,二是要加强高校自身建设,三是要建立和完善应对处置机制,四是要加强高校自我形象经营。
[Abstract]:With the advent of the network era, all aspects of human life are deeply marked by the network. In colleges and universities, a large number of teachers and students become members of Internet users. College students speak through the Internet to express their wishes. At the same time, the views, evaluations and other information related to colleges and universities are also disseminated through the network. Spread out, the formation of the image of colleges and universities, dissemination has an important impact. On the other hand, colleges and universities in our country are facing an unprecedented new situation. There is still a certain gap between the construction level of universities and world-class universities, and the development of colleges and universities is faced with endless contradictions and problems. Because of the lack of experience of using the network to create and maintain a good image of colleges and universities and to deal with emergency response, and because of the lack of awareness or the wrong thinking, many colleges and universities are often scrambling to monitor and respond to the network public opinion to enhance the influence of colleges and universities. Bewilderment, especially in the face of some urgent network public opinion crisis, has caused serious consequences, and seriously damaged the image of the university. This paper applies the relevant principles of news communication and public management to the influence of network public opinion on the image of colleges and universities, the problems existing in colleges and universities in coping with network public opinion and maintaining their own image, and the reasons for colleges and universities to deal with the misconduct of network public opinion. This paper studies the strategies of maintaining the university image by using the network public opinion, and puts forward that the network public opinion has the function of promoting the university image display and propaganda, creating the university image "personality business card" and giving play to the "barometer" function of the public opinion. To create a benign university management environment is beneficial to the development of crisis management in colleges and universities. It may also lead to the amplifier of internal and external contradictions, spread rumors, reduce the integrity of colleges and universities, spread harmful and hostile information, and lead to mass events. Obstructing the effective management of colleges and universities, leading to the negative effects of losing control of order, there are still some problems such as the lack of pertinence in network management and the disconnection between network propaganda and network information, which are mainly due to consciousness, outdated ideas, handling, etc. To deal with the mistakes, we should scientifically deal with the network public opinion and serve the image of colleges and universities. First, we should set up the management consciousness of modern colleges and universities, second, we should strengthen the self-construction of colleges and universities, and third, we should establish and perfect the coping mechanism. Fourth, we should strengthen the management of self-image in colleges and universities.


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