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发布时间:2018-06-19 23:00

  本文选题:理工科女大学生 + 职业可能自我 ; 参考:《武汉工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:理工科女大学生就业相对困难,其原因除了职场性别歧视之外,还包括诸多要素,其中就涉及其自身的职业可能自我。理工科女大学生在大学期间因自身的专业特点、兴趣爱好产生的对未来职业的想象,即为职业可能自我。这种想象在宏观层面涵盖职业目标领域、理想工作状态、最终职业理想等,在微观层面涉及薪酬、福利待遇、工作地点、同事关系等。理工科女大学生对未来职业的想象有积极的和消极的,积极的为职业希望自我,消极的为职业恐惧自我。 为了弄清理工科女大学生职业可能自我的现状,,本研究对武汉工程大学、武汉理工大学、湖北民族学院等高校973名大学生展开了问卷调查,并对统计数据进行探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析以及信效度检验。同时将职业希望自我和职业恐惧自我归纳为个体发展、创新能力、自主性、职业稳定性和地域选择等五个层面。基于理工科女生在专业、性别以及学历等方面的特性,本研究将其与文科女大学生、理工科男大学生及理工科女研究生的职业可能自我予以了比较分析,厘清了理工科女大学生职业可能自我的发展状况并归纳其职业可能自我的特点。 本研究将理工科女大学生职业可能自我发展状况概括为:总体发展较好,比较重视个人发展、工作自主性以及稳定性;创新性不足、职业附加依赖性过于强烈、职业自我效能感低下,对未来职业存在较多担忧与恐惧;存在显著的年级差异、城乡差异、学校类型差异、家庭收入差异。导致理工科女大学生职业可能自我各种问题的主要原因,不仅包括高校针对性职业教育的缺失,关键还在于其专业知识和技能以及自信心的不足,同时还与片面的就业观有关。 提高理工科女大学生的职业希望自我、减少其恐惧自我的策略主要包括:职业领域消除性别歧视;高校积极关注理工科女大学生这个特殊群体,为其提供专门的就业指导和职业规划;理工科女大学生自身则需要努力提高自己的专业知识和综合素质,了解更多的职场知识,提高就业自信,为将来的职业做好的心理准备。
[Abstract]:It is difficult for female college students in science and engineering to obtain employment, which includes many factors besides sex discrimination in the workplace. During the college period, the female college students in science and engineering, because of their own professional characteristics, interests and hobbies of the future career imagination, that is, career possible self. At the macro level, this vision covers career goal areas, ideal job status, final career ideals, etc., and at the micro level involves compensation, benefits, workplace, co-worker relationships, etc. The female students of science and engineering have positive and negative imaginations of the future career, positive for career hope self, negative for career fear self. In order to find out the present situation of female college students in science and engineering, this study conducted a questionnaire survey on 973 college students in Wuhan University of Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology and Hubei Institute for nationalities, and carried out exploratory factor analysis on the statistical data. Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability and validity test. At the same time, the self of career hope and fear is divided into five levels: individual development, innovation ability, autonomy, career stability and regional selection. Based on the characteristics of female students in science and engineering, such as major, gender and academic background, this study compared them with female liberal arts students, male students in science and engineering and female graduate students in science and engineering. This paper clarifies the development status of professional possible self of female college students in science and engineering and sums up the characteristics of their professional possible self. In this study, the professional self-development of female college students in science and engineering was summarized as follows: better overall development, more attention to personal development, job autonomy and stability, lack of innovation, too strong dependency on career attachment. The sense of occupational self-efficacy is low, there are many worries and fears about the future occupation, there are significant grade differences, urban and rural differences, school type differences, family income differences. The main causes of the possible self-problems of female college students in science and engineering are not only the lack of targeted vocational education, but also the lack of their professional knowledge and skills, as well as their self-confidence, and the one-sided view of employment. The strategies to improve female college students' career hope and reduce their fear self include: eliminating gender discrimination in vocational field, paying active attention to the special group of female students in science and engineering. To provide them with special employment guidance and career planning, female science and engineering students themselves need to strive to improve their own professional knowledge and comprehensive quality, learn more about the workplace knowledge, improve employment confidence, and make psychological preparation for the future occupation.


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