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发布时间:2018-06-19 23:24

  本文选题:思想政治教育 + 大学生压力 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会文明化进程的不断推进,人们的物质生活和精神文化水平得到了很大的提升,同时也加快了生产、生活节奏,使得竞争日益激烈,人们面临前所未有的压力。过强的压力造成了极大的焦虑和恐慌,压力的负面效应辐射到社会的方方面面,大学生群体也不可避免地受到了较大的冲击。由于大学生的年龄阶段与生理特点,其身心发展还不完全成熟,学习生活、择业就业、情感经济等方面的压力容易导致该群体思想状况不稳定及心理问题日益严重。大学生的思想健康状况,尤其是面对沉重的压力时呈现的状态,直接影响到他们正常的生活和学习,制约着该群体的身心健康和成才成长,这也在一定程度上影响了我国高等教育发展的整体水平。鉴于此,深入研究大学生压力问题、探讨大学生压力管理的有效途径,高校思想政治教育工作者义不容辞而任重道远。 大学生压力问题已经成为心理学和思想政治教育学共同研究的课题。该问题在心理学领域早已成为热门选题,科研理论成果颇丰且实践经验丰富。而在思想政治教育学领域,大学生压力问题的研究工作还远远不够。在此背景下,本论文将运用思想政治教育学知识,借鉴相关学科的理论成果,将访谈咨询法、实证研究与理论研究等方法综合运用,结合一定的工作经验,首先分析了大学生的压力现状,重点剖析哪些因素影响着大学生压力问题,从而探索出能够帮助大学生们有效管理压力的方法和途径。 本论文首先详细介绍了有关压力以及压力源的概念、分类及影响;其次,在使用《中国大学生心理应激量表》测量部分大学生压力现状的基础上,进行原因分析和探讨;最后,从思想政治教育学科视角出发,讨论大学生压力管理的着手点,并据此提出了大学生压力管理的有效对策:拓宽压力管理渠道,构建良好的育人环境,包括社会支持系统的构建和利用,父母教养方式的自查和改进,高校辅导方式的创新和跟进,大学生释压能力的培养和训练;创新压力管理思路,扩充压力管理内容,包括注重人格培养、塑造良好的个性品质、加强基础教育、注重新媒体在解决学生压力方面的运用等。
[Abstract]:With the progress of social civilization, people's material life and spiritual and cultural level have been greatly improved. At the same time, the production and life rhythm have been accelerated, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. People are facing unprecedented pressure. The excessive pressure has caused great concern and panic, and the negative effect of pressure is radiated to the society. On the other hand, the college students are also inevitably affected by the greater impact. Due to the age and physiological characteristics of the college students, their physical and mental development is not fully mature. The pressure of learning and life, job hunting and emotional economy can easily lead to the unstable mental state of the group and the serious psychological problems. The situation, especially in the face of heavy pressure, directly affects their normal life and study, restricts the physical and mental health and growth of the group. This also affects the overall level of the development of higher education in China to a certain extent. In view of this, the pressure of college students is studied and the management of College Students' pressure is discussed. Effective way, ideological and political education workers in Colleges and universities are duty bound and shoulder heavy responsibilities.
The problem of College Students' pressure has become a topic of common research in psychology and ideological and political education. This problem has already become a hot topic in the field of psychology. The scientific research results are abundant and practical experience is rich. In the field of Ideological and political education, the research on the problem of College students' pressure is far from enough. We will use the knowledge of Ideological and political education, learn from the theoretical results of relevant disciplines, apply the methods of interview consultation, empirical research and theoretical research, combined with some work experience, first analyze the current situation of College Students' pressure, and focus on which factors affect the problem of students' pressure, so as to explore the ability to help students. The ways and means to manage stress effectively.
This paper first introduces the concept, classification and influence of pressure and pressure source in detail. Secondly, on the basis of using the mental stress scale of Chinese college students to measure the pressure status of some college students, the reasons are analyzed and discussed. Finally, starting from the perspective of Ideological and political education, the starting point of College Students' pressure management is discussed. And then it puts forward the effective countermeasures for college students' pressure management: widening the pressure management channels and building a good education environment, including the construction and utilization of the social support system, the self-examination and improvement of the parental rearing style, the innovation and follow-up of the way of College guidance, the training and training of the pressure of the university students' release pressure, the idea of innovative pressure management, and expansion. Stress management content, including focusing on personality training, shaping good personality, strengthening basic education, focusing on the use of re media in solving student pressure.


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