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发布时间:2018-06-23 09:43

  本文选题:公办高校 + 民办高校 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校招生政策是高校招生方针、目的和实施方法等的总称。它作为国家教育政策的重要组成部分,既关乎着中等教育切实减轻学生负担、全面推进素质教育目标的落实,又担负着为高等教育选择合格培养对象、培养国家后备建设主干的重任。自改革开放以来,我国高校招生政策不断发展与完善,特别是近年来高校自主招生政策的逐渐建立,高校招生逐步实现多样化,但高校自主招生目前主要还只限于公办重点高校,,如何适用于大部分公办高校并在民办高校招生中加以实践值得研究。因此对公办与民办高校招生政策进行剖析具有重要的现实意义。 本文以高等教育大众化、普及化为背景,通过对高校招生政策的概述以及对我国公办高校与民办高校招生政策的现实差异及对比进行研究,分析招生政策差异带来的公办与民办高校之间诸如发展规模差距拉大、教师结构严重失衡及学生待遇差别较大等问题;通过对美国、日本、韩国及台湾地区高校招生政策的研究,我们从中学到了一些有利于完善我国高校政策的经验。因此,要促进公办高校和民办高校招生的有机对接,进一步完善高校的招生政策,需要从理念与行动采取措施:在观念方面,要政府、高校及社会树立发展性理念、公平性理念和和谐性理念;在政策方面,完善保证公办与民办高校招生平等的法规,建立确保公办与民办高校招生公平的招生政策;在操作方面,建立有利于招考分离的专业考试机构,建立有利于招生多元化的招生体系等措施促进公办高校招生政策与民办高校招生政策和谐统一,共同促进我国我国教育事业的大发展。
[Abstract]:College enrollment policy is the general name of college enrollment policy, purpose and implementation method. As an important part of the national education policy, it is not only related to lightening the burden of students in secondary education, comprehensively promoting the implementation of the goal of quality-oriented education, but also shouldering the task of selecting qualified training objects for higher education. The important task of cultivating the backbone of national reserve construction. Since the reform and opening up, the enrollment policy of colleges and universities in our country has been continuously developed and perfected, especially in recent years, the independent enrollment policy of colleges and universities has been gradually established, and the enrollment of colleges and universities has gradually realized diversification. However, the independent enrollment of colleges and universities is mainly limited to public key colleges and universities, how to apply to most public colleges and universities and how to practice in private colleges and universities is worth studying. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to analyze the enrollment policy of public and private colleges and universities. Based on the background of popularization and popularization of higher education, this paper makes a study on the differences and comparison between the enrollment policies of public colleges and private universities in China, through the summarization of the enrollment policies of colleges and universities. Analysis of the differences in enrollment policies between public and private colleges and universities, such as the widening gap in the scale of development, the serious imbalance in the structure of teachers, and the large differences in the treatment of students. From the study of the enrollment policy in Korea and Taiwan, we have learned some experiences which are beneficial to the improvement of the university policy in our country. Therefore, in order to promote the organic connection between public and private colleges and universities, and to further improve the enrollment policy of colleges and universities, we need to take measures from ideas and actions: in terms of ideas, governments, colleges and universities and society should set up the concept of development. Fairness and harmony; in terms of policies, we should improve the laws and regulations to ensure the equality of enrollment between public and private colleges and universities, and establish a recruitment policy to ensure fair enrollment between public and private colleges and universities; and in terms of operation, In order to promote the development of education in our country, we should establish a professional examination organization that is favorable to the separation of recruitment and entrance examination, and establish an enrollment system that is conducive to the pluralistic enrollment of students, and so on, to promote the harmonious unification of enrollment policies between public and private colleges and universities.


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