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发布时间:2018-06-23 10:17

  本文选题:高校董事会 + 运行机制 ; 参考:《渤海大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:省属高校作为我国高等教育体系的主体部分,以服务区域经济社会发展为目标,着力为地方培养高素质人才。随着我国高等教育体制改革的逐步推进,省属高校的办学自主权进一步得到落实,部分省属高校借鉴国外成功经验探索并成立了董事会,但目前大多数省属高校建立的董事会并不是实质意义上的董事会,它只不过是学校、企事业单位和社会团体按照“互惠互利、共同发展”的原则,组织起来的协作型组织,并未能进入高校的管理程序中去。 在现行教育体制下,建立并完善省属高校董事会运行机制是高等教育体制改革的重要举措。文章首先对相关概念进行界定,并从高校董事会的类型、成员组成以及职能等方面进行阐述;其次,全面分析省属高校董事会建设的现状,如董事会责、权、利不明晰,发挥的作用不够充分等,,并且从认识不足、缺少基本制度保证等方面分析我国省属高校董事会建设存在的问题。鉴于此,本文着力在省属高校董事会运行机制的构建与实施方面进行研究,明确董事会在确立发展目标及办学方向、筹集资金、人才培养、服务地方等方面的职责任务;规范董事会成员的组成与产生;建立健全董事会几种主要工作机制。在此基础上,对省属高校董事会运行机制进行实施:产生董事会成员、董事、董事长;明确分工职责;对董事会成员进行培训;建立评价考核制度;定期进行总结并实施奖励;同时提出省属高校董事会运行过程中需要注意的问题。 文章从实践层面对省属高校董事会运行机制进行研究,通过对其运作理论的探讨,建立并完善关于董事会运行机制理论,明确了董事会与党委、校长之间的责、权、利关系,最终构建一个适合省属高校董事会得以全面运行的机制——民主集中制,以期对省属高校的改革和发展起到促进作用。
[Abstract]:As the main part of our country's higher education system, provincial colleges and universities aim at serving the development of regional economy and society. With the development of the reform of higher education system in China, the autonomy of provincial colleges and universities has been further implemented, and some provincial colleges and universities have explored and set up a board of directors for reference from the successful experiences of foreign countries. However, at present, the boards of directors established by most provincial colleges and universities are not the boards of directors in the substantive sense. They are merely cooperative organizations organized by schools, enterprises, institutions and social organizations in accordance with the principle of "mutual benefit and common development." And failed to enter the management procedures of colleges and universities to go. Under the current educational system, it is an important measure to establish and perfect the running mechanism of the board of directors of provincial colleges and universities. Firstly, this paper defines the relevant concepts, and expounds the types, composition and functions of the board of directors in colleges and universities. Secondly, it comprehensively analyzes the current situation of the construction of the board of directors of provincial colleges and universities, such as the responsibility of the board of directors, the rights and interests of the board of directors are not clear. It also analyzes the problems existing in the construction of the board of directors of the provincial colleges and universities in China from the aspects of insufficient understanding and lack of basic system guarantee. In view of this, this paper focuses on the construction and implementation of the operating mechanism of the board of directors of provincial colleges and universities, and clarifies the responsibilities and tasks of the board of directors in establishing the development goal and the direction of running a school, raising funds, cultivating talents, serving the local areas, etc. Standardize the composition and generation of board members and establish and improve several main working mechanisms of board of directors. On this basis, the implementation of the operating mechanism of the board of directors of provincial colleges and universities: the generation of board members, chairman, clear division of duties, training of board members, the establishment of evaluation and assessment system, periodic summary and implementation of incentives; At the same time, the paper puts forward some problems needing attention in the running process of the board of directors of provincial colleges and universities. This paper studies the operating mechanism of the board of directors of provincial colleges and universities from the practical aspect, establishes and consummates the theory of the operating mechanism of the board of directors through the discussion of its operation theory, and clarifies the relationship among the board of directors, the party committee, the president, the responsibility, the power and the interest. Finally, the democratic centralism system, which is suitable for the board of directors of provincial colleges and universities, is constructed to promote the reform and development of provincial colleges and universities.


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