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发布时间:2018-06-24 03:55

  本文选题:大学形象 + 大学媒介形象 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:进入21世纪以来,我国的高等教育进入全面扩招阶段。由于高校和社会的发展出现不平衡,就业压力的增大,教育质量下降,人才培养条件落后等问题引起了全社会的普遍关注。大众传媒的发展使得以前总是被忽视的校园暴力、学生自杀、学术不端等负面事件一跃成为公众关注的焦点并且时常处于舆论的漩涡当中。大学校园危机事件的发生总是有着各种原因比如,设施的落后、服务管理的疏漏等。久而久之,大学的形象已经在人们的心目中逐渐的弱化,她早已不再是人们心神向往的象牙塔,大学在公众心目中的“净土”形象逐渐弱化。受损的大学形象,使得学校的管理者意识到,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,面对社会对大学的更高标准和期待,如何充分利用新媒体,重塑一个富有影响力、感召力和吸引力的大学媒介形象已成为他们必须重视的课题。 本文是建立在理论分析的基础上,以大学媒介形象为研究对象,对其基本概念以及构成理论进行了综合阐述,深入探讨大学媒介形象的成因以及建构过程,并通过一具体的实例来分析危机事件发生的过程中社会以及学校的各群体对学校的评价以及事件本身对大学媒介形象带来的的冲击。通过这一实例将理论与实践相结合,为信息化的当今时代,大学媒介形象的建构与重塑提供可行性的建议与策略。 第一部分,绪论,从选题依据、研究意义入手,阐述了国内外,尤其是国内有关我国大学媒介形象研究现状,介绍了本论文的研究方法,为本文的写作打好坚实的基础。 第二部分,界定了大学媒介形象的相关概念以及塑造大学媒介形象的相关理论。以“形象”为逻辑起点分别阐述了“形象”“媒介形象”“大学形象”之间的关系,为大学媒介形象的界定提供相关的依据;通过对拟态环境理论、刻板成见理论、以及形象修复理论的分析和阐述,为大学媒介形象的构建和重塑提供相应的理论依据和支撑。 第三部分,分析了高校危机的定义内涵以及特点。突发性的危机事件无疑是对大学媒介形象的有力冲击,探究大学媒介形象和危机事件之间的传播学关系,以及大学媒介形象、大学形象以及人之间的互动关系。 第四部分,对北大“梦桃源”事件进行案例分析。分别阐述了在危机爆发的诱发期、发展期和恢复期北京大学为应对危机事件而分别采取的措施,以及采取措施后的得与失。搜集了危机事件后相关媒体对于北大教师形象、学生形象,以及北大自身形象的评价,进一步这证实了危机事件对于大学媒介形象的巨大冲击力,为大学媒介形象的重塑提供实例借鉴。 第五部分,总结了高校的管理者在危机处理过程中的得与失,重点分析了如何应对危机化解负面影响,保持心理上和行为上的平衡,如何重塑大学媒介形象,并提出具体的策略。
[Abstract]:Since entering the 21st century , our country ' s higher education has entered a comprehensive expansion stage . Due to the imbalance of the development of the university and society , the increase of the employment pressure , the decline of education quality and the backwardness of personnel training condition , the image of university campus has become the focus of public concern and often in the vortex of public opinion .

On the basis of theoretical analysis , this paper makes a comprehensive exposition of its basic concept and composition theory based on the image of university media , deeply probes into the causes and construction process of university media image , and analyzes the impact of various groups of society and school on the university media image in the process of analyzing crisis events through a concrete example .

The first part , the introduction , from the choice of topic basis , the research significance , elaborated the domestic and foreign , especially the domestic relevant university media image research present situation , introduced the research method of this paper , provides a solid foundation for the writing of this article .

The second part defines the concept of university media image and the relevant theories of shaping university media image . The relationship between " image " and " university image " is elaborated by " image " as the logical starting point , which provides the basis for the definition of university media image ;
Based on the analysis and elaboration of the theory of the proposed environment , the theory of stereotypes and the theory of image restoration , the paper provides theoretical basis and support for the construction and reconstruction of university media image .

In the third part , the definition and characteristics of the crisis in colleges and universities are analyzed . The sudden crisis events are undoubtedly a powerful shock to the image of university media , inquiry into the communication relationship between university media image and crisis events , as well as university media image , university image and human interaction .

In the fourth part , we analyze the case of Beida ' s " Dream Peach Source " . The measures taken by Peking University to deal with the crisis in the induction period , the development period and the recovery period of the crisis are expounded respectively , and the gains and losses after taking the measures are expounded . After collecting the relevant media after the crisis , the paper further confirms the great impact of the crisis events on the image of the university media , and provides an example for the reconstruction of the university media image .

The fifth part summarizes the gains and losses of managers in the process of crisis management , analyzes how to deal with the negative effects of the crisis , maintains the balance of psychological and behavior , and how to reconstruct the image of university media and put forward concrete strategies .


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