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发布时间:2018-06-24 06:32

  本文选题:甘肃省 + 高等学校 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Discipline construction is a basic work of colleges and universities, is the core of various construction work of colleges and universities, and plays an important role in the development of colleges and universities. Because the discipline is the cell of the university, is the origin of the university survival and growth, determines the direction and characteristics of the university, determines the quality and level of the university, and determines the status and reputation of the university. Gansu Province is located in the geometry center of China's land territory and plays an important strategic role in the layout of national higher education. What is the development of colleges and universities in Gansu Province? The author believes that discipline construction is one of the most important indicators. On the basis of summarizing and combing the existing research on discipline construction, the author takes 9 universities with the right to grant master's degree in Gansu Province as the object. Firstly, from the subject structure, key laboratory, scientific research institution construction, the construction of high-level talent team, The present situation of discipline construction in colleges and universities in Gansu Province is analyzed in six aspects of subject ranking and ESI ranking. Then, SWOT analysis is used to analyze the advantages, problems, opportunities and challenges of the discipline construction of colleges and universities in Gansu province, and it is found that it has four advantages, five problems, seven opportunities and four challenges. Finally, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on how to strengthen the discipline construction in Gansu higher education institutions: it is considered that the strategic planning is the forerunner and basis of the discipline construction in Gansu Province, and the structure is adjusted. The excellent layout is the foundation of the discipline construction in Gansu Province, the key discipline construction is the grasp of the discipline construction in Gansu Province, and the strengthening of the construction of talents is the core of the discipline construction in Gansu Province. Promoting the internationalization of running a school is the aid of the discipline construction of colleges and universities in Gansu Province.


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