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发布时间:2018-06-24 21:35

  本文选题:选才 + 辅导员 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:历经两千多年发展的我国古代人才选拔活动是一个博大精深的体系,其中所蕴含的用人选才思想、在选才过程中形成的制度和方法是一笔宝贵的财富,值得仔细研究发掘并应用到实践中去。高校辅导员作为高校学生工作的主体,在高校学生工作中扮演着“老师”和“朋友”的双重身份,肩负着大学生的思想政治教育工作、各项具体的学生事务日常管理以及大学生的发展指导等方面的职责。同时,人才是我国经济社会发展的第一资源,高等院校是为国家发展培养人才的最主要力量,从这个角度来说,高校辅导员在人才培养方面的重要性是不言而喻的。 因此,吸收和借鉴古代选才中的有益成分指导辅导员的学生工作,不仅是辅导员职业化发展的要求,也是更好地开展大学生管理服务工作和发展指导工作,从而为国家社会培养人才的需要,从更深的层次上讲也是继承和发展中国传统文化精髓的需要。作为高校辅导员,应当在具体的学生工作中,将我国古代的优秀选才理念和原则作为学生工作指导思想的参考,将我国古代的优秀选才制度和方法与具体的学生工作相结合,在实践中探索如何将其融入现代高校的学生管理和服务工作。 对人才的选拔是一个系统的活动,本文从思想、制度和方法三个方面来总结我国古代选才的积极方面。首先,在我国古代社会的选才活动中,“德”和“才”是评价人才的两个主要方面,而在多数历史时期,古代社会和学者选拔人才更看重道德素质和道德品质;第二,古代社会为人才选拔创设了多种制度,尽管这些制度也有自身的缺陷,但其中的有益成分仍然值得我们今天借鉴和发扬,特别是在这些制度中体系出的对人才道德素质的考察和培养方面;第三,古代社会人才选拔所应用的具体考察方式和理念是多样的,通过多个考察维度、设置一定的情境、考察成长环境以及人才分类等方式,全面地了解人才的特点。 我国的辅导员制度是有中国特色的高校学生工作制度,在发展的过程中逐步确立了高校辅导员的工作内容和职责。从辅导员的工作内容和职责的角度来看,在开展大学生思想政治教育工作和大学生日常事务的管理等方面,古代选才活动对辅导员队伍专业化建设和辅导员开展学生工作有着现实意义。
[Abstract]:The Chinese ancient talent selection activity, which has been developed for more than two thousand years, is a profound and profound system. The system and method formed in the process of selection is a valuable wealth, which is worth studying and applying to the practice. In the students' work, they play the dual identity of "teachers" and "friends", shoulder the responsibilities of Ideological and political education, the daily management of students' affairs and the development guidance of college students. At the same time, talent is the first resource for the development of our country's economy and society, and the colleges and universities are training talents for the development of the country. From this perspective, the importance of University Counselors in personnel training is self-evident.
Therefore, to absorb and draw lessons from the useful elements of the ancient selected talents to guide the counselors' work is not only the requirement of the professional development of the counselors, but also the better work and guidance for the management of college students, so as to cultivate the talents for the national society, and to inherit and develop the traditional Chinese language from a deeper level. As a college counselor, we should take the idea and principle of excellent talent selection as the reference of the students' work in the specific work of the students, combine the excellent selection system and method in ancient China with the specific students' work, and explore how to integrate them into the students' management of modern colleges and universities in practice. Management and service work.
The selection of talents is a systematic activity. This article summarizes the positive aspects of ancient Chinese talent from three aspects of thought, system and method. First, in the activities of Chinese ancient society, "Virtue" and "talent" are the two main aspects of the evaluation of talents. In many historical periods, the ancient society and the scholar selected the talents to see more. Second, the ancient society has created a variety of systems for the selection of talents. Although these systems have their own shortcomings, the beneficial components of the system still deserve our reference and development today, especially in these systems. Third, the ancient society. The specific methods and ideas for the application of talent selection are diverse. Through multiple investigation dimensions, setting a certain situation, examining the growth environment and the classification of talents, we can fully understand the characteristics of the talents.
The instructor system of our country is a college student working system with Chinese characteristics. In the process of development, it has gradually established the work content and responsibility of the college counselor. From the point of view of the work content and responsibility of the counselor, in the aspects of carrying out the ideological and political education of College students and the management of the ordinary birthday affairs of the University, the ancient selected talent is alive. It is of practical significance to the professionalization of counselors and the development of student work by counselors.


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