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发布时间:2018-06-25 02:27

  本文选题:高校 + 法语教学 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the establishment and rapid development of the market economy, the depth and breadth of the economic and cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world are also expanding day by day. With the increasingly frequent exchanges between China and the French-speaking countries, the social demand for French-speaking talents is becoming stronger and stronger. At the same time, the demand for the combination and integration of French-speaking talents is becoming more and more high. However, there are still a series of problems in the teaching practice of French major in some colleges and universities in our country at present, which can not meet the requirements of the high quality French talents needed by the society. This paper studies the problems and countermeasures of French major teaching in colleges and universities. The present situation of the teaching of French major in colleges and universities is presented by questionnaire, interview and observation. The problems in teaching of French major in colleges and universities are found, the causes of the problems are analyzed, and the corresponding solving strategies are put forward. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction, the background of the subject and the realistic background. Through the research on the literature review of French teaching in China, this paper summarizes the teaching of French and the research achievements of the researchers, and points out the train of thought, the main research methods and the purpose and significance of this study. The text includes three parts, the first part will take three universities as an example to present the present situation of the teaching of French major in colleges and universities. In this chapter, the research methods of this study are designed, including questionnaire design, survey object, interview outline, interview object, observation content, observation object, Then it presents the results of a questionnaire survey for French majors in colleges and universities, interviews with French teachers in colleges and universities and observations on the teaching situation of French majors in colleges and universities. Finally, the author summarizes the current situation of French teaching in colleges and universities. The second part of the main content is based on the first part of the questionnaire, interviews and observation results, found the main problems in the teaching of French majors in colleges and universities. In this paper, the Chinese Communist Party puts forward six aspects of French teaching problems, which are: students' low autonomous learning ability, students' insufficient communicative competence in French, deviation in teaching goal, single teaching content and divorced from reality, single teaching methods and means, and so on. There are defects in teaching evaluation methods. And in view of these problems have carried on the thorough reason analysis. In the third part, aiming at the problems and reasons of the second part, the author tries to put forward some effective strategies to improve the teaching of French major in colleges and universities of our country, including improving the teachers' own quality, arranging the teaching contents reasonably, enriching the teaching methods and means. Perfect teaching evaluation system in four aspects.


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