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发布时间:2018-06-26 14:53

  本文选题:高职学生 + 婚恋观 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:婚恋是一个古老而又常新的命题,千百年来为人们所关注。高职生正处于青春发育期,性生理和性心理发育基本成熟,他们必然产生了与异性交往的需要,.如何帮助高职学生树立积极健康的婚恋观直接关系到他们的心理健康和学业成功问题,进而直接关系到他们的综合素质和未来人生发展问题,关系到未来国民素质和社会发展潜力。因此,研究高职学生的婚恋观问题,对于了解学生的价值困境,洞悉他们的心理问题以及探索问题的解决之道都颇有价值。 以岳阳职业技术学院在校高职学生为主要研究对象,通过调查、走访等方式发现高职学生婚恋观存在的诸多问题,如对于爱情的看法不一,恋爱动机多元化;对于择偶态度积极,且观念现实,但择偶渠道较少,也欠缺与恋爱对象的相处技巧;重视家庭和谐,对组建家庭的物质基础较重视:性观念总体较保守,但缺乏必要的教育。文章分析了社会、学校、家庭、个人四种影响高职学生婚恋观的因素,最后以马克思主义理论为指导,分别从社会、学校、家庭、个人四方面提出了引导高职学生树立科学婚恋观的教育对策,首先社会方面要引导正确的社会思潮,净化社会舆论环境,确保校园周边环境良好;其次,学校在教学上应该完善婚恋观课程建设,并强化校园文化建设,做好校园管理;再次,从家庭方面,家长使用合理的教育方式,尊重子女的婚恋选择,起到典型示范的作用,并且家长自己也要接受一定的婚恋观教育;最后,学生要通过学习不断提高婚恋素养,理性成熟地思考婚恋问题,树立正确的人生观和价值观。
[Abstract]:Love and marriage is an old and often new proposition, which has been concerned by people for thousands of years. Higher vocational students are in the period of youth development, sexual physiology and psychological development is basically mature, they must have the need to interact with the opposite sex. How to help vocational students to establish a positive and healthy outlook on marriage and love is directly related to their mental health and academic success, and then directly related to their comprehensive quality and future life development. Related to the future national quality and social development potential. Therefore, it is very valuable to study the problem of marriage and love view of higher vocational students, to understand the value dilemma of students, to understand their psychological problems and to explore the solutions to the problems. Taking the students of Yueyang Vocational and Technical College as the main research object, through investigation, visit and other ways to find out that there are many problems in the concept of marriage and love of vocational students, such as different views on love, love motivation diversity; The attitude of choosing a spouse is positive, and the idea is realistic, but the channel of choosing a spouse is few, and the skill of getting along with the object of love is also lacking; pay attention to the harmony of the family and the material foundation of the family: the concept of sex is generally conservative, but lack the necessary education. The article analyzes the four factors that affect the views of marriage and love among students in higher vocational education, such as society, school, family and individual. Finally, under the guidance of Marxist theory, they are divided into three parts: society, school and family. Four aspects of the individual proposed to guide the higher vocational students to establish a scientific concept of marriage and love education countermeasures, first of all, social aspects to guide the correct social trend of thought, purify the public opinion environment, ensure the campus surrounding environment is good; second, The school should perfect the curriculum construction of love and marriage concept in teaching, strengthen the construction of campus culture, do well the campus management; thirdly, from the family aspect, the parents should use reasonable education way, respect their children's choice of marriage and love, and play the role of typical demonstration. And parents themselves should also accept certain education of love and marriage; finally, students should constantly improve their marital literacy through study, think about marriage and love rationally and mature, and set up correct outlook on life and values.


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