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发布时间:2018-06-27 03:16

  本文选题:民办高校辅导员 + 岗位离职 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着市场经济体制的逐步完善与社会的不断进步,企业对适用性人才的需求也进一步提高。民办高校作为国家实施义务教育的补充力量,在近十年里得到了极大的重视与发展,已然成为培养高素质、适用性技能型人才的生力军。民办高校思政辅导员是学校教师队伍的重要组成部分,是高校开展学生思想政治教育工作,培养学生全面成长、成才不可或缺的力量。但由于民办高校办学体制的制约与就业市场化趋势的影响,目前民办高校辅导员队伍普遍存在高流动性的不稳定因素,不仅造成了高校人力资源的流失,而且对高校教学活动的正常开展起到了影响。 本研究回顾了相关文献,以工作满意度、组织承诺理论为理论基础,通过文献查阅、问卷调查、个人访谈等方法获得福建省部分民办高校辅导员离职的相关资料,通过分析民办高校辅导员岗位的现状,对比民办高校辅导员在工作满意度和组织承诺在不同维度上的差异,研究阐述了导致民办高校辅导员岗位离职的原因,并基于民办高校辅导员对工作满意度与组织承诺的评价,提出对策建议。研究形成了以下结论:各民办高校可以通过提升工作满意度与健全组织承诺来稳定民办高校辅导员的岗位离职,能进一步稳定民办高校辅导员队伍,,确保高校教学活动正常开展,以期达到帮助民办高校提升教学质量,促进社会经济发展的目的。
[Abstract]:With the gradual improvement of market economy system and the continuous progress of society, the demand for suitable talents is further improved. As a supplementary force for the implementation of compulsory education in our country, private colleges and universities have received great attention and development in the past ten years, and have become a new force for cultivating high-quality, adaptable and skilled personnel. Ideological and political counselors in private colleges and universities are an important part of the teaching staff, which is an indispensable force for colleges and universities to carry out ideological and political education for students, to train students to grow up in an all-round way and to become talented people. However, due to the restriction of the running system of private colleges and the influence of the tendency of marketization of employment, there are generally unstable factors of high mobility in counselors of private colleges and universities, which not only cause the loss of human resources in colleges and universities, And the normal development of teaching activities in colleges and universities has played an impact. Based on the theory of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, this study obtained the relevant information of counselors in some private colleges and universities in Fujian Province by means of literature review, questionnaire survey, personal interview and so on. By analyzing the status quo of counselors in private colleges and universities, comparing the differences in job satisfaction and organizational commitment between counselors in private colleges and universities, the reasons leading to the resignation of counselors in private colleges and universities are discussed. Based on the evaluation of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of counselors in private colleges, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward. The conclusions are as follows: each private university can stabilize the post turnover of counselors by improving job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and can further stabilize the contingent of counselors in private colleges and universities. To ensure the normal development of teaching activities in colleges and universities in order to help private colleges and universities to improve the quality of teaching and promote social and economic development.


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10 本报记者  练玉春 通讯员  周密 胥丹丹;你好!高校辅导员[N];光明日报;2006年

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2 饶威治;民办高校辅导员岗位离职问题探究[D];华侨大学;2013年




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