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发布时间:2018-06-28 02:56

  本文选题:浙江省 + 民办高等教育 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1999年以来,面对高等教育供不应求和教育经费短缺的困境,浙江省把发展民办高等教育作为高等教育改革的重要举措,孕育了一个庞大的民办高等教育需求市场。但是,自2008年以来,浙江地区高等教育适龄人口规模逐年下降,对民办高校的生源造成了重大冲击,浙江省民办高等教育需求问题逐渐引起人们的关注。 本研究基于这一背景,在参考国内外学者关于民办高等教育需求理论和实证研究的基础上,以浙江省2012届高中毕业生为研究样本,通过调查问卷的方式搜集相关数据资料,利用SPSS16.0统计分析软件对浙江省民办高等教育需求的基本状况、影响因素进行了详尽的系统分析。实证研究结果表明: (1)相比较公办高等教育需求,抽样高中生对浙江省民办高等教育的需求意愿相对较低,且多数学生需求浙江省民办高等教育的主动性动机不强,浙江省民办高校基本处于满足学生超额需求的发展阶段。 (2)影响学生需求浙江省民办高等教育的因素是多方面的,个人的天赋能力、高等教育预期收益、家庭年收入、父亲受教育程度和职业、预期的学费价格、政府政策的公平性、社会对民办高等教育的认同感、学生对民办高等教育信息的知晓程度、居住地的地区特点等因素对学生的民办高等教育需求有重要影响。 针对以上浙江省民办高等教育需求的研究现状,为提升浙江省民办高等教育需求,本研究从民办高校和政府层面提出如下对策建议:从民办高校的层面来讲,第一,更新教育理念,明确办学方向;第二,增加优质供给,注重内涵建设;第三,拓宽融资渠道,缓解经费短缺;第四,制定营销策略,拓宽需求市场。从政府层面来讲,第一,完善教育制度,给予民办高校更多扶持;第二,解放思想观念,提高民办高校社会认同感;第三,转变政府职能,完善管理和服务机制。
[Abstract]:Since 1999, facing the dilemma that the supply of higher education exceeds the demand for higher education and the shortage of educational funds, Zhejiang Province regards the development of private higher education as an important measure in the reform of higher education, giving birth to a huge demand market for private higher education. However, since 2008, the population size of Zhejiang higher education has declined year by year, which has caused a great impact on the source of private colleges and universities. The demand for private higher education in Zhejiang Province has gradually aroused people's attention. This research is based on this background, on the basis of the domestic and foreign scholars' theoretical and empirical research on the demand for private higher education, taking the 2012 high school graduates of Zhejiang Province as the research sample, the relevant data are collected by questionnaire. The basic situation and influencing factors of private higher education demand in Zhejiang Province are analyzed systematically by SPSS 16.0 software. The empirical results show that: (1) compared with the demand for public higher education, the sample high school students' demand for private higher education in Zhejiang Province is relatively low, and most students' motivation to demand private higher education in Zhejiang Province is not strong. Private colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province are basically in the development stage of meeting the excess demand of students. (2) the factors affecting students' demand for private higher education in Zhejiang Province are various. Father's education level and occupation, expected tuition price, fairness of government policy, social identity to private higher education, students' knowledge of private higher education information, The regional characteristics of residence have an important influence on the demand of private higher education. In order to improve the demand of private higher education in Zhejiang Province, this study puts forward the following countermeasures and suggestions from the level of private universities and government: from the level of private universities, first, Renew the education idea, clear the direction of running a school; second, increase the quality supply, pay attention to the connotation construction; third, widen the financing channel, alleviate the shortage of funds; fourth, formulate the marketing strategy, widen the demand market. From the government level, first, to improve the educational system, to give more support to private colleges; second, to emancipate the ideas, improve the social identity of private universities; third, to transform government functions, improve management and service mechanisms.


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