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发布时间:2018-06-28 02:18

  本文选题:体育教育 + 就业意识 ; 参考:《首都体育学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国社会各阶段的改革及向市场经济的转变,我国的教育在体制上也发生了很大的变化,从以往国家对于大学生包分配的就业制度到现在大学毕业生自主择业的变化,大学毕业生所面临的就业压力也是在日趋增强,于此同时,全国各大高校每年都在扩招,并且扩招的比例逐年增大,虽然缓解了升学的压力,但对于大学生来说,就业压力倍增,除此之外,用人单位对应聘者的学历要求也是越来越高,再加上体育专业本身就具有一定的局限性,这就造成了体育专业的大学生在毕业就业、择业时处于不利的形式,,面临的考验十分严峻。综合这些原因,导致了体育教育专业毕业生就业问题更加严峻。这就要求高校体育教育专业的在校生要加强就业意识的培养及就业取向的正确选择,尽早的适应当下严峻的就业形势,为以后的就业做好充分的准备,只有这样才能更具信心、更有把握的面对就业。 本研究以山东省一部分体育教育专业本科生的就业意识和就业取向为研究对象,采用了专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等多种研究方法,从当前山东省高校体育教育专业在校生就业前对于国家政策的了解及就业的准备等方面入手,对其就业意识及就业取向进行了研究,初步得出了以下结论: (1)山东省高校体育教育专业在校生的就业意识淡薄,尤其是低年级的学生就业意识较弱。主要体现在对国家相关就业政策的了解程度不深,对就业信息的关注时间较晚,就业信息的获取渠道较窄,参与择业的主动性和积极性不高。 (2)山东省高校体育教育专业在校生的就业取向上,大部分学生选择会在体育行业就业;体育教师是山东省高校体育教育专业在校生的首选职业,不能将自身实际状况与社会需求状况有效结合起来;不能正确认识自己,就业的期望值偏高。 (3)山东省高校就业指导体系虽然已经初具雏形,但不能充分、有效的发挥就业指导机构的相关作用,就业指导工作不理想,对学生的就业教育不够重视。 (4)针对当前山东省高校体育教育专业在校生的就业意识及就业取向存在的问题提出了加强学业规划管理、制定职业规划、正确认识自我、处理好理想与现实的关系、树立“先就业、后择业”的观念、做好求职前的心理准备、确定合理的就业预期及职业选择、完善高校就业指导体系、加强职业教育等策略,可以为山东省高校体育教育专业在校生如何培养正确的就业意识、确定合理就业取向提供一定的帮助,可为高校就业指导机构更好的为学生的就业进行指导服务提供一定的理论和方法支持。
[Abstract]:With the reform of various stages of our society and the transition to market economy, great changes have taken place in the system of education in our country. The employment pressure faced by university graduates is also increasing day by day. At the same time, each major university in the country is expanding its enrollment every year, and the proportion of the expansion is increasing year by year. Although it alleviates the pressure of entering the university, it is for the college students. In addition, the employment pressure is multiplying. In addition, employers have increasingly high requirements for candidates' academic qualifications. In addition, sports majors themselves have certain limitations. This has resulted in college students majoring in physical education graduating for employment. When choosing a job in an unfavorable form, the test is very severe. Synthetically these reasons, caused the physical education major graduate employment question more austere. This requires that college students majoring in physical education should strengthen the cultivation of employment awareness and the correct choice of employment orientation, adapt to the grim employment situation as soon as possible, and make adequate preparations for future employment. Only in this way can they have more confidence. More secure in the face of employment. This research takes the employment consciousness and employment orientation of some undergraduate students of physical education in Shandong Province as the research object, adopts the expert interview method, the questionnaire survey method, the mathematical statistics method and so on many kinds of research methods. Starting with the understanding of the national policy and the preparation for employment of the students majoring in physical education in Shandong Province before their employment, this paper makes a study on their employment consciousness and employment orientation. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the employment consciousness of college students majoring in physical education in Shandong Province is weak, especially the low grade students' sense of employment. Mainly reflected in the degree of understanding of the national employment policy is not deep, the attention to employment information is relatively late, the access to employment information is narrow. (2) on the employment orientation of college students majoring in physical education in Shandong Province, most students choose to get employment in sports industry; Physical education teachers are the first choice for college students majoring in physical education in Shandong Province. They cannot effectively combine their actual situation with social needs, and can not correctly understand themselves. The expectation of employment is on the high side. (3) although the employment guidance system of higher education in Shandong Province has taken its embryonic form, it can not give full play to the relevant role of the employment guidance organization, and the employment guidance work is not ideal. (4) aiming at the problems existing in the employment consciousness and employment orientation of the college students majoring in physical education in Shandong Province, this paper puts forward some suggestions on strengthening the management of academic planning, making professional planning, and correctly understanding oneself. To deal with the relationship between ideal and reality, to set up the concept of "first employment, then to choose a career", to make psychological preparation before seeking a job, to determine reasonable employment expectation and career choice, to perfect the employment guidance system of colleges and universities, and to strengthen vocational education, etc. It can provide some help for the college students of physical education in Shandong Province how to cultivate the correct employment consciousness and determine the reasonable employment orientation. It can provide some theoretical and methodological support for the employment guidance service of college students.


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