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发布时间:2018-06-28 00:30

  本文选题:大学生 + 沟通 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:面对全球信息化时代,一个人要获得事业成功和发展越来越需要必备沟通能力。而且,随着中国国际化程度的提升,跨国交流的机会增多,校内外人群越来越趋于多元化,大学生们也迫切需要提高跨文化沟通能力。沟通能力已成为现代人才的主要标志。作为未来国家公民准精英分子的大学生,其沟通能力不仅影响着自身的发展,也会影响全社会的和谐程度。但是,大学教育领域对大学生沟通能力培养的研究却还很薄弱,大学生基本的通用沟通能力培养没有做好,就无法做好跨文化沟通能力的培养。所以有必要加强这方面的深入研究。 本文在对国内研究现状的考察和借鉴国外研究的基础上,提出从道、理、术三个层面将沟通能力所包涵的内在修养和外在表达两个方面协调起来研究,立足于“修身立人”这一理念,通过对当代大学生沟通能力现状的调查分析,针对性的综合运用和融合言语行为理论、语用学、沟通学、心理学、跨文化交际学等知识,从学校、教师、学生三个方面,努力构建一套适合当代大学生的全息立体、内外兼修的沟通能力培养机制,提出了如何培养的一系列具体策略和措施。 第一部分,介绍了本文的研究背景、研究思路和研究方法。 第二部分,阐明沟通能力的内涵及沟通能力培养的意义。深入分析了真正提高沟通能力,离不开修己修心之“道”的体悟和修身做人之“理”的领会。指出了加强大学生沟通能力培养的重要意义:是促进社会和谐发展和大学生身心全面和谐发展的必然要求,是提升大学生创新创业能力的基本保证。 第三部分,调查分析当代大学生沟通能力的现状。通过调查分析发现当前大学生在沟通能力上存在的问题:人格品质的偏差不利于沟通、认知的偏差导致不想沟通、实践的薄弱造成不善于沟通。 第四部分,,针对当代大学生沟通能力的问题提出培养的策略。从人才培养质量的高度整合各教育环节形成合力,提出了“三位一体”的培养策略:首先是以学校为主阵地,搭建沟通能力培养的平台,主要围绕着四个方面展开:以通用核心能力培养理念改革必修课程体系,立足于言语行为理论设计教育内容和改革教学方式,在第二课堂活动中运用“约哈里之窗”强化沟通能力培养,在马斯洛需求层次理论指导下构建学校主导、家庭和企业参与的互动培养机制;其次是教师率先学习,打造沟通能力培养的队伍,主要从提高沟通意识、加强教师自身素质和改革教学方法、加强学生能力训练两方面展开;最后是以学生为主体,实施沟通实践训练,主要围绕七个原则和策略来加强实践训练。 第五部分,总结全文,对尚未来得及研究的方面比如大学生跨文化沟通能力培养提出了设想。
[Abstract]:Faced with the global information age, a person to achieve career success and development needs more and more necessary communication skills. Moreover, with the development of internationalization in China, the opportunities for cross-national communication are increasing, and the population in and out of school is becoming more and more diverse. Students also urgently need to improve their cross-cultural communication skills. Communication ability has become the main symbol of modern talents. As the future national citizen quasi-elite college students, their communication ability not only affects their own development, but also affects the harmonious degree of the whole society. However, the research on the cultivation of college students' communication ability in the field of college education is still very weak. If the basic general communication ability of college students is not done well, it will not be able to do a good job in the cultivation of cross-cultural communication ability. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen this aspect of in-depth research. Based on the investigation of the present situation of domestic research and the reference of foreign research, this paper proposes to coordinate the internal cultivation and external expression of communication skills from the three levels of Tao, theory and skill. Based on the concept of "self-cultivation and cultivation of human beings", through the investigation and analysis of the present situation of college students' communication ability, the author makes a comprehensive use of and integrates the theories of speech act, pragmatics, communication, psychology, cross-cultural communication, and so on. From three aspects of school, teacher and student, this paper tries to construct a set of communication ability training mechanism suitable for contemporary college students, and puts forward a series of concrete strategies and measures. The first part introduces the research background, research ideas and research methods. The second part clarifies the connotation of communication ability and the significance of communication ability cultivation. To improve the communication ability deeply, we can not do without the understanding of "Tao" of self-cultivation and the understanding of "principle" of self-cultivation. This paper points out the important significance of strengthening the cultivation of college students' communication ability: it is the inevitable requirement of promoting the harmonious development of society and the comprehensive and harmonious development of college students' body and mind, and the basic guarantee of enhancing the students' ability of innovation and entrepreneurship. The third part, investigates and analyzes the present situation of college students'communication ability. Through the investigation and analysis, the author finds out the problems in the communication ability of college students: the deviation of personality quality is not conducive to communication, the deviation of cognition leads to not wanting to communicate, and the weakness of practice results in poor communication. The fourth part, aiming at the problem of contemporary college students' communication ability, puts forward the training strategy. This paper puts forward the training strategy of "trinity" from the high integration of various education links of talent training quality: firstly, it takes the school as the main position and builds the platform for the cultivation of communication ability. It mainly revolves around four aspects: reforming the compulsory curriculum system with the general core competence training concept, based on the speech act theory to design the educational content and reform the teaching method, In the second classroom activity, the "window of Johari" is used to strengthen the communication ability cultivation, and under the guidance of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the interactive training mechanism of school leading, family and enterprise participation is constructed, and the teacher takes the lead in learning. To build up the team of communication ability training, it mainly starts from two aspects: improving communication consciousness, strengthening teachers' own quality and reforming teaching methods, strengthening students' ability training, finally, taking students as the main body, carrying out communication practice training. Mainly around seven principles and strategies to strengthen practical training. The fifth part, summarizes the full text, has proposed the tentative plan to the aspect which has not had time to study, for example, the university student cross-cultural communication ability cultivation.


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