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发布时间:2018-06-28 11:51

  本文选题:情商教育 + 高校 ; 参考:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:情商教育的研究是基于情商(EQ)研究的基础上进行的,情商作为一个人素养的重要组成部分是近十几年才受到人们重视的。随着对情商重要性的认识,人们也开始关注与情商相关的教育措施、教育政策等。情商教育的途径、方法是多种多样的,高校作为教书育人的重要场所,也肩负着情商教育的重要责任。本研究在文献研究的基础上结合问卷调查,从不同层面、角度对高校本科生情商教育状况及如何开展本科生情商教育进行了研究。在大量研读已有文献资料的基础上,设置了问卷调查。问卷调查主要分三部分,第一部分是了解被调查者的基本情况;第二部分是调查目前高校的情商教育状况;第三部分是调查目前本科生的情商水平。本科生情商水平通过三个维度来衡量,分别是:一是知觉能力;二是表达能力;三是管理能力。对本科生情商水平的衡量,具体设置的项目有:一、知觉自己、他人、环境的积极和消极情绪的能力;二、表达自身、他人、环境的积极和消极情绪的能力;三、管理自身、他人、环境的积极和消极情绪的能力。本研究对湖北省3所高校(中南财经政法大学、武汉大学、武汉理工大学)的350名大学生进行了抽样调查,问卷回收率为99%,有效率为97%,并通过SPSS16.0科学地对问卷进行了统计分析,较全面、综合的了解了目前高校本科生情商教育的情况及目前高校本科生的情商水平。 本研究的创新之处:1、归类划分了情商教育的主要思想。2、对“情商教育”这一名词,进行了相关的概念阐述。国内外很多学者从理论角度对“情商”的概念进行过不同的阐述,而关于情商教育的学理性概念还没有学者对其进行过准确阐述,本研究为了能够更加系统、完善的研究情商教育,首先对“情商教育”进行了概念阐述。本研究将“情商教育”的概念解释为:情商教育是指一种以提高受教育者诸方面情商为目标的教育模式,是能够使受教育者具有或可以提高自身的情绪理解能力、情绪管理能力以及情绪知觉、评估、表达能力的非智力教育,是以提高受教育者情商为教育宗旨的。狭义“情商教育”的实施主体是学校,受教育者是所有在校学生。广义“情商教育”的实施主体包括学校、社会、家庭、个人,受教育者包括所有自然人。本研究的研究领域为狭义“情商教育”中的高校部分。3、本研究通过大量研读文献资料,梳理了情商教育的发展过程,为以后科学建构情商教育理论奠定了基础。
[Abstract]:The research on EQ education is based on the study of EQ (EQ). EQ is an important part of a person's accomplishment, which has been paid more attention in the last decade. With the understanding of the importance of EQ, people also begin to pay attention to the education measures related to EQ, education policy and so on. The ways of EQ education are many kinds of ways. As an important place for teaching and educating people, colleges and universities are also responsible for the important responsibility of EQ education. On the basis of literature research, this study studies the EQ education status of undergraduates and how to carry out EQ education for undergraduates from different levels. A questionnaire survey is set up. The questionnaire survey is divided into three parts. The first part is the basic situation of understanding the respondents; the second part is the investigation of EQ Education in Colleges and universities; the third part is the level of emotional quotient of undergraduates. The level of EQ of undergraduates is measured by three dimensions, the first is the perception ability; two It is the ability of expression; three is the ability of management. To measure the EQ level of undergraduates, the specific items are: first, the ability to perceive themselves, others, the positive and negative emotions of the environment; two, the ability to express themselves, others, the positive and negative emotions of the environment; three, the ability to manage themselves, others, the positive and negative emotions of the environment. A sample survey was conducted on 350 college students in 3 universities in Hubei (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan University and Wuhan University of Technology). The recovery rate of the questionnaire was 99% and the efficiency was 97%, and the questionnaire was scientifically analyzed by SPSS16.0. The EQ level of the former undergraduate students.
The innovation of this study is as follows: 1, the main idea of EQ education is divided into the main idea.2, and the concept of EQ education is expounded. Many scholars at home and abroad have expounded the concept of EQ from the theoretical point of view, and there are no scholars on the intellectual concept of EQ education. This study explains the concept of EQ Education in order to make a more systematic and perfect study of EQ education. This study interpret the concept of EQ education as: EQ education refers to an education model that aims at improving the EQ of the educated, and is able to make the educated have or improve. The main body of the narrow sense "EQ education" is the school and the educated are all the students in the school. The main body of the generalized "EQ education" is the school, the society, the family. The research field of this study is a part of.3 in the narrow sense "EQ education". This study has combed the development process of EQ education by reading a lot of literature and literature, and laid the foundation for the scientific construction of EQ education theory in the future.


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