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发布时间:2018-06-28 18:40

  本文选题:科研活动 + 科研能力 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:石河子大学作为兵团唯一的“211工程”重点建设高校,适逢2010年新疆工作座谈会召开和《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》出台的大好机遇,应当更加关注研究生教育,为新疆高等教育事业的发展承担起更大的责任。因此,对能反映研究生教育本质特征及培养质量的科研活动进行研究是顺应当前国家研究生教育导向、适应新疆高等教育新发展的必然要求。这也将为今后更好地履行服务社会职能,为国家高等教育事业发展和“稳疆、兴疆、富民、固边”做出更多贡献。对于硕士研究生而言,探寻富有特色的研究生科研的有效对策,是进一步改革和发展石河子大学研究生教育所面临的亟待解决的重要问题。 本研究以石河子大学硕士研究生科研活动为直接研究对象,运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法等定性和定量研究方法,从理论和实践两方面对硕士研究生科研活动内涵、现状、问题产生原因及对策进行系统的研究。在理论方面对已有研究进行综述,对科研活动的内涵和特点进行阐述;在实证方面利用自编的“石河子大学硕士研究生科研活动”调查问卷,采用分层抽样法选取在校硕士研究生从科研目的与意愿、时间、实践、成果、感受五个维度和科研指导、科研环境两个维度分别对研究生科研活动整体情况及导师指导、学校环境等内在、外在因素进行调查,,从整体以及年级、专业等不同维度对其进行统计分析。通过分析得知,在现阶段,学校、导师及研究生自身都普遍较为重视科研活动,也取得了一定成绩,但各方面仍存在一些不容忽视的问题。在了解现状的基础上,本文发现科研活动中存在的主要问题具体表现在以下三方面:⑴科研活动时间知行不一,且存在专业、年级间的显著差异;⑵科研训练形式单一、学术交流不够;⑶科研活动成果存在专业、年级间的显著差异。本研究认为导师指导作用发挥不理想、指导方式单一,研究生自身努力程度不够、学习方法不科学、缺少问题意识、科研能动性不够,学校科研设备与资料缺少陈旧、科研氛围不够浓厚及其它社会诸多条件的制约是导致石河子大学硕士研究生科研活动现状不容乐观的重要原因。为此,本文结合国内外先进经验,立足石河子大学实际,探求发展的途径,进而提出了完善科研活动以培养硕士研究生科研能力的对策:强化导师指导职责,引领研究生学术创新;加强自主性学习,提高研究生科研能动性;营造科研生态环境,培养研究生科研素质。 本研究有利于丰富研究生科研活动基本理论,为进一步完善和推动石河子大学硕士研究生教育发展提供参考;为石河子大学研究生教育管理者、导师以及研究生自身重新审视科研活动、建构研究生教育改革及培养质量保障体系提供实证依据;有利于进一步促进新疆研究生教育事业快速发展,为新疆跨越式发展和长治久安历史使命的实现提供更多高层次人才、持续的精神动力和智力支持。
[Abstract]:Shihezi University, as the only "211 Project" key construction university, coincides with the great opportunity issued by the 2010 Xinjiang work symposium and the national medium and long term education reform and development plan (2010-2020 years). We should pay more attention to graduate education and take on greater responsibility for the development of high education in Xinjiang. Therefore, research on the scientific research activities that can reflect the essential features and the quality of the postgraduate education is in conformity with the guidance of the current national postgraduate education and the necessary requirements for the new development of higher education in Xinjiang. This will also provide better service to the service society in the future, and for the development of national higher education and the "stability, Xinjiang, rich people and solid border". To make more contributions, it is an important problem to further reform and develop the graduate education of Shihezi University to explore the effective countermeasures for postgraduate research with special characteristics.
This study takes the research activities of graduate students of Shihezi University as the direct research object, using the methods of qualitative and quantitative research, such as literature analysis, questionnaire survey, interview, and so on. From two aspects of theory and practice, this paper systematically studies the connotation, current situation, causes and Countermeasures of graduate student research activities. The study carries out a review, expounds the connotation and characteristics of scientific research activities, and uses the self compiled "Shihezi University Master graduate scientific research activities" questionnaire, and adopts the stratified sampling method to select the five dimensions and scientific research guidance, scientific research guidance, scientific research environment and scientific research environment. In the two dimensions, the overall situation of graduate scientific research activities and tutor guidance, the internal and external factors of the school environment are investigated, and the statistical analysis is carried out from the different dimensions of the whole, the grade and the major. Through the analysis, the school, the tutor and the graduate students have paid more attention to the scientific research activities and have obtained a great value at the present stage. There are still some problems that can not be ignored in all aspects. On the basis of understanding the status quo, this paper finds that the main problems in the scientific research activities are shown in the following three aspects: (1) the time of scientific research is different, and there is a major difference between the major and the grades; (2) the form of scientific research and training is single, and academic communication is not enough; 3 There are significant differences in the achievements of scientific research activities. This study holds that the guidance role of the tutor is not ideal, the guidance mode is unsatisfactory, the way of guidance is unitary, the graduate student's own efforts are not enough, the learning method is not scientific, the problem consciousness is lacking, the scientific research activity is not enough, the school scientific research equipment and data are short, the scientific research atmosphere is not strong enough and the other societies are The constraints of many conditions are the important reasons why the research activities of Shihezi University graduate students are not optimistic. For this reason, this paper, based on the advanced experience at home and abroad, based on the reality of Shihezi University, explores the ways of development, and then puts forward the countermeasures to improve scientific research activities in order to cultivate graduate students' scientific research ability: strengthening tutor guidance Responsibilities, leading Postgraduates' academic innovation, enhancing autonomous learning, enhancing postgraduate's research initiative, building scientific research environment and Cultivating Postgraduates' scientific research quality.
This study is beneficial to enrich the basic theory of postgraduate scientific research activities, and provide reference for further improvement and promotion of the development of graduate education in Shihezi University; for the graduate education administrators of the Shihezi University, tutors and graduate students to re examine the scientific research activities, and to construct the graduate education reform and the training of the quality assurance system. The empirical basis is helpful to further promote the rapid development of the graduate education in Xinjiang and to provide more high-level talents for the realization of the historic mission of Xinjiang's Leaping Development and long lasting peace and security, and sustained spiritual and intellectual support.


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