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发布时间:2018-06-28 19:03

  本文选题:统一高考 + 教育公平 ; 参考:《华东理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:招生制度改革是我国高等教育体制改革的一个突破口。高校自主招生试点是与统一高考协调并行的招生模式,是深化高校招生制度改革的重要举措,有利于高校选拔优秀人才,扩大高校办学自主权。自20世纪80年代以来,上海的高校招生考试制度改革就始终走在全国的前列,从高校自主招生试点学校的扩展轨迹来看,上海市与江苏省可以说是率先实践这种考试改革的先行者,并且在许多方面做出了有益的探索,为全国其他省份积累了不少经验。回顾高校自主招生制度的发展,我们发现上海市高校在自主招生改革方面发挥着重要的表率作用,因而研究上海市高校本科自主招生对我国高校自主招生制度的发展有着重要的借鉴意义。 如所有新制度出台时一样,自主招生制度也遇到不少的疑难问题,使招生制度改革和发展无法达到预期的成效,尤其在教育公平方面的问题比较突出,如城乡校际间的差异、自主招生制度运行机制不健全、自主选拔录取制度不够规范、公正性亟待加强等,这些问题都会使自主招生制度的成效大打折扣。本文基于教育公平的视角,主要运用问卷调查法、文献研究法、比较研究法和访谈法,以上海市高校本科自主招生制度为研究对象,回顾了上海市高校本科自主招生制度改革的历程,探讨目前上海高校本科自主招生制度的主要特点以及在起点、过程、结果中出现的不公平问题,并对上海市E大学进行了个案研究,分析其实施自主招生中存在的问题及影响原因,最后讨论了今后从公平方面改进和完善自主招生制度的对策。
[Abstract]:Enrollment system reform is a breakthrough in the reform of China's higher education system. The experiment of independent enrollment in colleges and universities is a parallel enrollment mode coordinated with the unified college entrance examination. It is an important measure to deepen the reform of the enrollment system of colleges and universities, which is conducive to the selection of outstanding talents and the expansion of the autonomy of colleges and universities. Since the 1980s, the reform of the university enrollment examination system in Shanghai has always been in the forefront of the whole country. Shanghai and Jiangsu Province can be said to be the first to practice this kind of examination reform, and in many ways to make useful exploration, for other provinces in the country accumulated a lot of experience. Looking back at the development of the autonomous enrollment system in colleges and universities, we find that universities in Shanghai play an important exemplary role in the reform of independent enrollment, Therefore, it is of great significance to study the autonomous undergraduate enrollment in Shanghai for the development of the autonomous enrollment system in our country. As with the introduction of all the new systems, the autonomous enrollment system also encountered many difficult problems, which made the reform and development of the enrollment system unable to achieve the expected results, especially in the field of educational equity, such as the differences between urban and rural schools. The operation mechanism of the independent enrollment system is not perfect, the independent selection and admission system is not standardized, and the fairness needs to be strengthened. These problems will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the independent enrollment system. Based on the perspective of educational fairness, this paper mainly uses questionnaire survey, literature research, comparative research and interview to study the independent enrollment system of university students in Shanghai. This paper reviews the course of the reform of the undergraduate autonomous enrollment system in Shanghai, and probes into the main characteristics of the present self-enrollment system in Shanghai colleges and universities, as well as the unfair problems arising from the starting point, the process and the results. The paper makes a case study on Shanghai E University, analyzes the problems existing in the implementation of independent enrollment and its influence reasons, and finally discusses the countermeasures to improve and perfect the independent enrollment system from the aspect of fairness.


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2 武汉工程大学 涂方剑;[N];中国教育报;2010年

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