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发布时间:2018-06-28 22:52

  本文选题:教育平等 + 美国高等教育 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教育平等一直是人们关注的焦点问题,也是各国致力于解决并制定政策方针的根本出发点。自建国以来,我国在解决教育不平等问题,促进教育平等发展方面做了大量工作,并取得了显著的成效。但在社会转型和社会关系不断变革的今天,教育领域在原有问题的基础上又出现了一系列新型的问题,公民的教育平等面临着前所未有的严峻挑战。从法律角度来看,我国的教育立法制度存在严重缺陷,教育不平等问题普遍存在。美国是世界上最早普及高等教育的国家,也是教育法律体系最为完善的国家,从美国的高等教育平等发展进程来看,教育立法在国家的发展和社会稳定中起到关键和强有力的作用,因此,我们有必要从教育立法内容的角度来研究现代美国在促进高等教育平等方面所取得的进展,以及怎样解决不同时期的高等教育不平等问题,在这一进展中所取得的经验不但对美国的教育平等发展产生了深远的影响,对研究我国教育不平等问题、健全教育法制、保障弱势群体的教育平等权利、教育资金补助多样化等方面也有着很大的启示作用。 本论文共由五部分组成。第一部分为引言,简要介绍了本文的选题缘由及研究意义,通过分析现有的研究状况,提出了本文的研究创新点及不足;第二至四部分在回顾二战前高等教育平等发展历程的基础上,重点研究现代美国促进高等教育平等的主要措施与进展,以及进展中仍存的问题及形成原因;论文的第五部分综述了美国促进高等教育平等的基本经验,在对我国高等教育中不平等问题进行分析的基础上,总结出了一些建议及启示。
[Abstract]:Equality in education has always been the focus of attention, and it is also the fundamental starting point for countries to resolve and formulate policies and guidelines. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, a great deal of work has been done to solve the problem of educational inequality and promote the equal development of education. However, with the social transformation and the continuous change of social relations, a series of new problems have emerged in the field of education on the basis of the original problems. The equality of education of citizens is facing unprecedented severe challenges. From the point of view of law, there are serious defects in our country's educational legislation system, and the problem of educational inequality is widespread. The United States is the first country in the world to popularize higher education, and it is also the country with the most perfect educational legal system. From the perspective of the equal development process of higher education in the United States, Education legislation plays a key and powerful role in national development and social stability. Therefore, it is necessary for us to study the progress made in promoting equality in higher education in the modern United States from the perspective of the content of education legislation. And how to solve the inequality of higher education in different periods, the experience gained in this progress not only has a profound impact on the equal development of education in the United States, but also has a profound impact on the study of educational inequality in our country and the improvement of the educational legal system. The protection of the equal rights of the disadvantaged groups and the diversification of educational funds also have a great enlightening effect. This thesis consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, briefly introduces the reason and significance of this paper, through the analysis of the existing research situation, put forward the innovative points and shortcomings of this research; On the basis of reviewing the development of the equality of higher education before World War II, the second to fourth parts focus on the main measures and progress of promoting the equality of higher education in modern America, as well as the problems that still exist in the progress and the reasons for its formation. The fifth part of the paper summarizes the basic experience of promoting the equality of higher education in the United States, on the basis of the analysis of the inequality in China's higher education, summarizes some suggestions and revelations.


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