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发布时间:2018-06-29 20:42

  本文选题:综合性大学 + 哲学系 ; 参考:《中国大学教学》2015年10期

[Abstract]:The question of whether the department of philosophy should be more and more like a department of philosophy or less like a department of philosophy is raised and debated. It deeply reflects the anxiety and thinking of the orientation and direction of philosophy education under the new situation of prevailing market economy and social utilitarian values. It not only has strong realistic pertinence, but also has a profound influence on the orientation of philosophy education in the present predicament and its future development direction. The essence of university education is professional education, which emphasizes the specialty, standardization and science of philosophy specialty education in comprehensive universities, and the philosophy department should be more and more like philosophy department, which must be re-emphasized and clearly understood under the present situation. At the same time, it is necessary to give full play to the applied value of philosophy education and actively expand the wide space in the humanistic quality education of colleges and universities as a non-professional education philosophy education. We attach great importance to the irreplaceable role and significance of philosophical education in the education of making people become human beings.
【作者单位】: 安徽大学哲学系;


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