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发布时间:2018-06-30 05:13

  本文选题:台湾高等教育政策 + 大学教学质量 ; 参考:《南京大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国台湾地区于2004年颁布实施“奖励大学教学卓越计划”,希望透过竞争性奖励机制,补助台湾地区大学校院中约30%~40%的学校,使其进行师资、学生、课程规划及教学品质管控机制等整体制度面的革新及建制,以构筑本地区教学卓越大学的典范,进而带动整体大学校院教学品质的提升。这项政策是台湾新世纪高等教育政策中第一次以改进教学为核心的方案。经过八年的政策实施,效果已初步呈现,提升大学教学质量的意识得到了强化,重视教学的风气也初步形成。那么,“奖励大学教学卓越计划”的设计思路是什么?在实施过程中采取了哪些具体的举措? 本研究希望立足于这一政策,探讨该政策的设计初衷与思路,了解台湾在该政策的推动下在促进人才培养、提升大学教学质量方面的具体举措,相信其对大陆地区继续推动“高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程”有很大的借鉴价值。 本研究主要采用文献分析和访谈调查的方法。首先,通过对政策文本的深入解读,梳理出“奖励大学教学卓越计划”的出台背景与总体设计思路;在此基础上,详细探讨该政策的具体实施进展;之后,从教育政策学的视角,对“奖励大学教学卓越计划”的政策内容、政策过程、政策价值、政策效果四个方面进行分析。 本研究的主要结论有: 1.“奖励大学教学卓越计划”是一个带有明显的问题导向性质的政策方案。台湾地区大学教学质量的下降是该政策制定的根本原因;与追求高等教育“学术卓越”为核心的“发展国际一流大学及顶尖中心研究计划”相抗衡,从而纠正“重科研轻教学”的政策偏向,是该政策制定的直接原因。 2.受补助学校在政策实施过程中组织架构健全:以执行系统为核心,以支援系统为辅助,以考核系统为保障;实施重点清晰:以课程、教师教学、学生学习三者为改革主线,以资源充实和品质保证为支撑。 3.大学教学发展中心和区域教学资源中心是“奖励大学教学卓越计划”下的产物。大学教学发展中心作为政策落实的基点,区域教学资源中心作为协同发展的节点,推动政策顺利开展。 4.“奖励大学教学卓越计划”背后的价值取向主要表现在价值选择、利益选择和权力选择上。在教学与研究的价值选择上,倾向强化“教学”核心价值,塑造教学卓越典范;在公平与效率的利益选择上,衡量多元主体利益冲突与诉求,追求公平与效率的统一;在自由与规范的权力选择上,注重绩效评估与品质管控,强化政府监督与规范的角色。 5.“奖励大学教学卓越计划”主要取得了三方面的成效:各项与教学相关的机制与制度已建立和完善;区域资源整合与共享机制已基本建立并运行良好;强化了大学对教学核心价值的认知,促使大学领导者深刻反思教学的重大意义。然而,大学领导者对教学永续经营的意识还不够强烈,教师投身教学和学生投身学习的浓厚氛围尚未在校园中广泛形成。
[Abstract]:This policy is the first in Taiwan ' s higher education policy to improve the teaching quality of the whole university . This policy is the first in the policy of higher education in Taiwan to improve the teaching quality .

It is hoped that this policy should be based on this policy , and the purpose and thinking of the policy will be discussed . In order to understand the concrete measures of Taiwan ' s promotion of the policy in promoting the training of talents and improving the teaching quality of the university , it is believed that it has great reference value to the mainland region to continue to promote the teaching quality and teaching reform of the university .

This study mainly adopts the methods of literature analysis and interview survey . Firstly , through the deep interpretation of the policy text , the background and the general design idea of " award university teaching excellence program " are summarized .
On this basis , the detailed implementation progress of the policy is discussed in detail .
Then , from the point of view of educational policy , this paper analyzes the policy content , policy process , policy value and policy effect of " award university teaching excellence program " .

The main conclusions of this study are as follows :

1 . The award university teaching excellence program is a policy scheme with obvious problem - oriented property . The decline of teaching quality in Taiwan area is the root cause of the policy formulation ;
It is the direct reason for the policy formulation to correct the policy deviation of " heavy scientific research and light teaching " , which is the core of the pursuit of " academic excellence " of higher education .

2 . The subsidized school has a sound organizational structure in the implementation of the policy : the implementation of the system as the core , the support system as the support , and the assessment system as the guarantee ;
The key points of implementation are as follows : curriculum , teacher ' s teaching and student learning are the main lines of reform , and the resources are enriched and the quality is guaranteed as support .

3 . The Center for Teaching and Development of University and the Center for Regional Teaching Resources are the products under the Teaching Excellence Program of the Award University . As the basis point of policy implementation , the Center for Teaching and Development of the University is the node of the cooperative development , which promotes the smooth development of the policy .

4 . The value orientation behind the award university ' s teaching excellence is mainly in value choice , interest selection and power selection . In the choice of the value of teaching and research , it tends to strengthen the core value of " teaching " and shape the excellence model of teaching ;
In the interests of fairness and efficiency , we measure the conflicts and demands of multiple entities , and seek the unity of fairness and efficiency .
On the choice of the right of freedom and norm , pay attention to the performance evaluation and quality control , strengthen the role of government supervision and regulation .

5 . The " award university teaching excellence program " has made three main achievements : the mechanism and system related to teaching have been established and perfected ;
The regional resource integration and sharing mechanism has been basically established and well run ;
It has strengthened the cognition of the core value of the teaching , and promoted the university leaders to reflect on the great significance of the teaching . However , the consciousness of the university leaders to the teaching perpetual operation is not strong enough , and the thick atmosphere of the teacher ' s investing in teaching and the students ' investing in learning has not been widely formed in the campus .


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