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发布时间:2018-06-30 05:06

  本文选题:高校思想政治教育 + “以人为中心治疗”理论 ; 参考:《闽南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着改革开放的深入发展,我国高校思想政治教育也取得了瞩目的成就。但是在实践过程中依然存在着对大学生的人格尊严不够重视;大学生的主体地位受到弱化等现象,这样就削弱了高校思想政治教育的实效性。要使高校思想政治教育取得事半功倍的效果,就要加强对大学生主体意识的关注,并采取相应的措施加以完善。 美国著名心理学家、人格心理学家、教育改革家卡尔·罗杰斯创立了“以人为中心治疗”理论,该理论的基本框架是:心理咨询应创设良好的心理氛围来帮助来访者,其目的是促进和协助来访者,依靠自己的能力解决自己的问题,从而达到预期的目的。这在一定程度上与我国高校注重以人为本,促进人的全面发展相契合,给高校思想政治教育带来新思路。 本文通过对“以人为中心治疗”理论中的自我理论、积极人性观和心理治疗观等分析,阐述了该理论与高校思想政治教育相契合的现实依据和原因,高校在进行思想政治教育时可借鉴“咨访关系”,转变师生关系;借鉴“人格理论”,,充分挖掘大学生的潜能;借鉴“积极关注”,转变关注视角。从而使高校的思想政治教育更贴合实际,更贴近学生,更具有实效性。
[Abstract]:With the deepening development of reform and opening up, ideological and political education in colleges and universities in China has made remarkable achievements. However, in the process of practice, there is still insufficient attention to the dignity of college students, and the main position of college students is weakened, which weakens the effectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. In order to make the ideological and political education in colleges and universities achieve twice the result with half the effort, we should pay more attention to the main body consciousness of the college students and take corresponding measures to perfect it. Carl Rogers, a famous American psychologist, personality psychologist and educational reformer, founded the theory of "people-centered therapy". The basic framework of the theory is that psychological counseling should create a good psychological atmosphere to help visitors. Its purpose is to promote and assist visitors, rely on their own ability to solve their own problems, thus achieving the desired purpose. To a certain extent, it is in accord with the emphasis on people-oriented and promoting the all-round development of people in colleges and universities in our country, and brings new ideas to ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Through the analysis of self-theory, positive view of human nature and psychotherapy in the theory of "human-centered therapy", this paper expounds the realistic basis and reasons why the theory coincides with ideological and political education in colleges and universities. In the process of ideological and political education, colleges and universities can learn from the "relationship between teachers and students" and transform the relationship between teachers and students; draw lessons from "personality theory" to fully tap the potential of college students; and learn from "positive concern" and change the perspective of attention. In order to make the ideological and political education in colleges and universities more practical, more close to students, more effective.


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