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发布时间:2018-06-30 08:51

  本文选题:高校 + 党员 ; 参考:《湖北科技学院学报》2015年10期

[Abstract]:Teachers and Party members in colleges and universities are the important subjects of higher education. Through the questionnaire survey and analysis of the teachers and party members in a certain university in Shandong Province, it is found that the teachers and party members in colleges and universities have a strong sense of party members, and the Party organizations can guarantee the Party members to exercise their democratic rights within the Party. College teachers and party members have a certain advanced nature. By strengthening the subjective consciousness of the teachers and party members, perfecting the inner-party system, perfecting the care mechanism, strengthening the party spirit training, and jointly promoting the role of the teachers and party members in the colleges and universities from both inside and outside.
【作者单位】: 山东大学;


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