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发布时间:2018-06-30 08:18

  本文选题:高校毕业生管理系统 + 高校信息化管理 ; 参考:《云南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校管理信息化是高等教育现代化的需要,是深化教学改革、培养新型人才的需要,是提高管理水平的需要。随着我国教育体制的进一步完善,高校毕业生呈指数增长。而且,随着信息化时代的到来,高校毕业生就业难度加大、单位需求更新迅速,这对高校就业信息管理提出了更高要求。如何准确实时地让学生获得单位招聘信息,让更多单位获得学生准确的基本情况和求职信息,从而使单位和学生各取所需,提高高校就业率和单位招聘效率,成为高校就业管理机构迫切需要解决的课题。 论文采用软件工程的方法对高校毕业生管理信息系统进行了分析与设计,主要内容包括:(1)对本系统在开发过程中所使用的相关技术进行介绍;(2)对高校毕业生管理信息系统的主要业务流程进行了分析;(3)对系统的体系结构和功能结构以及数据库结构进行了设计。本系统涵盖了毕业生就业工作的所有环节,统计查询功能齐全,客服了以往数据统计及信息分析的复杂性、重复性、低效率和非可视化等不足,具有创新性,受到同行专家的一致好评。本系统所有功能已进入实现阶段,并将大大提高高校毕业生管理工作的效率。
[Abstract]:The informationization of university management is the need of the modernization of higher education, the deepening of teaching reform and the training of new talents, and the need of improving the level of management. With the further improvement of China's educational system, the number of college graduates has increased exponentially. Moreover, with the arrival of the information age, the employment difficulty of college graduates is increased and the unit demand is updated rapidly, which puts forward higher requirements for the management of employment information in colleges and universities. How to make students get the information of unit recruitment accurately and in real time, and let more units get accurate basic information and job information of students, so that units and students can get their own needs, and improve the employment rate and the efficiency of unit recruitment in colleges and universities. It has become an urgent task for employment management institutions in colleges and universities. This paper uses the software engineering method to analyze and design the graduate management information system. The main contents are as follows: (1) introduce the related technology used in the development process of the system; (2) the main business process of the university graduate management information system is analyzed, and (3) the system architecture, function structure and database structure are designed. This system covers all aspects of graduate employment, and has complete function of statistical inquiry. It has provided customer service with the shortcomings of complexity, repeatability, inefficiency and non-visualization of data statistics and information analysis in the past. By the peer experts praise. All the functions of the system have entered the stage of realization, and will greatly improve the efficiency of the management of college graduates.


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