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发布时间:2018-06-30 20:11

  本文选题:大学生 + 社会责任感 ; 参考:《集美大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:人的社会价值通过个人对社会的贡献和利他性来体现,尤其是在中国社会,对个人伦理道德教化的根本目标是培育和树立个人的社会责任感和历史使命感。而当代大学生承担着社会主义现代化事业建设的重任,肩负着振兴国家和民族的使命,其有无社会责任感或社会责任感的强弱关系到我们民族的发展和国家的兴衰,更影响着中国梦的实现。 在现有国内外研究的基础上,,本文通过文献研究法、逻辑分析法、数据分析法对当代大学生社会责任感培育进行研究,通过对大学生社会责任感相关概念的厘定、对大学生社会责任感培育理论的分析,充分阐述加强当代大学生社会责任感培育的理论基础和目标要求;通过对大学生社会责任感形成过程与方式的分析,为掌握大学生社会责任感现状和提出大学生社会责任感培育方案打下基础;通过调查问卷数据,分析当代大学生社会责任感现状:大学生社会责任感的主流是积极、健康、向上的;但也存在一些问题,主要表现在:责任意识淡薄,对社会责任感的理解层次不高;承担社会责任的主动性不强,责任意识不够坚定,责任行为不够坚决;大学生社会责任感具有不稳定性、实用性和利己性倾向明显;生命、行为、感恩责任感缺失严重等几个方面;并从社会、教育和大学生自身三个方面分析了当代大学生社会责任感弱化的原因:失衡的社会环境作用机制、失重的德育定位、大学生自身方面对社会的认知流于表像化、对家庭的依赖性强、大学生对自身的社会角色定位不准确等。 最后,论文有针对性的提出一些建议性的对策:加强中国优良传统文化特色教育、优化社会环境,开展社会实践活动、改进家庭教育理念,倡导科学、合理、有效的家庭责任感教育、优化育人环境,完善教育模式,以及加强大学生自我教育。这些措施能有益于加强当代大学生社会责任感的培育,从而有利于责任的承担,促进和谐社会的最终实现。
[Abstract]:The social value of man is reflected by the contribution and altruism of the individual to the society. Especially in Chinese society, the fundamental goal of the moral education of the individual is to cultivate and establish a sense of personal social responsibility and historical mission. And the contemporary college students take the responsibility of the construction of socialist modernization and shoulder the rejuvenation of the country and the nation. The mission, whether it has a sense of social responsibility or a sense of social responsibility is related to the development of our nation and the rise and fall of our country, and also affects the realization of the Chinese dream.
On the basis of existing research at home and abroad, this paper studies the cultivation of contemporary college students' sense of social responsibility through literature research, logical analysis and data analysis. Through the definition of the concept of social responsibility of college students, the theory of Cultivating College Students' sense of social responsibility is analyzed, and the social responsibility of contemporary college students is fully elaborated. Through the analysis of the process and way of forming the sense of social responsibility of college students, it lays the foundation for mastering the present situation of the social responsibility of college students and putting forward the foundation for the cultivation of the sense of social responsibility of college students; through the questionnaire data, the present situation of the social responsibility of the college students is analyzed: the sense of social responsibility of the College Students The mainstream is positive, healthy and upward, but there are also some problems, which are mainly manifested in: the weak sense of responsibility, the low level of understanding of the sense of social responsibility, the lack of initiative to bear social responsibility, the unfirm sense of responsibility, the lack of firm responsibility, the instability of the sense of responsibility of the college students, the practicality and selfishness of the society. In the three aspects of society, education and college students, the reasons for the weakening of the sense of social responsibility are analyzed from the aspects of society, education and college students themselves: the unbalanced social environment mechanism, the position of the weightless moral education, the cognition of the college students in the face of the society and the family. The dependence of college students on their social roles is not accurate.
Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions: strengthening the education of Chinese fine traditional culture, optimizing social environment, carrying out social practice, improving the concept of family education, advocating a scientific, reasonable and effective education of family responsibility, optimizing the environment of educating people, perfecting the educational model, and strengthening self-education of College Students. Some measures can help strengthen the cultivation of contemporary college students' sense of social responsibility, thereby contributing to the responsibility and promoting the ultimate realization of a harmonious society.


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