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发布时间:2018-06-30 21:10

  本文选题:独立学院 + 就业现状 ; 参考:《沈阳航空航天大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育开始扩招以来,我国的高等教育逐步进入了大众化阶段,随之而来的,,是高校的毕业生每年不断增加。独立院校是顺应时代发展的潮流以及高等教育大众化的需要而出现并发展起来的一种新的高等教育形式。独立学院自成立以来,一直受到社会各界的广泛关注。其发展也日渐壮大,截至2008年4月,全国29个省市创办的“独立学院”就有300多所,在校学生165.7万人,有丰富的高等教育资源,培养的本科生占全国本科生的30%以上,独立学院已经成为本科教育的重要力量。因此,独立学院毕业生的就业问题也和普通高等学校的毕业生就业一样被全社会所关注。因为,就业率的高低,直接关系到高校毕业生人生价值的实现和社会的稳定。从当前提出构建和谐社会的角度出发,研究独立学院毕业生就业问题有重大的现实意义。 本文参照现有的研究成果,以问卷调查,学生访谈,企业调研为基础平台,有针对性地开展独立学院大学生就业状况调查研究。比如,独立学院大学生分专业就业现状;独立学院大学生考研及自主创业现状;独立学院大学生就业成功案例;独立学院大学生就业按年比较等。笔者还对独立学院1000名毕业生进行了问卷调查,了解他们对政策以及社会的态度,分析他们的就业心态以及就业期望等。利用问卷调查结果,分析了独立学院毕业生就业现状及存在的问题。并从学校、市场及学生自身全方位角度去分析,站在政府、社会及独立院校毕业生自身角度提出了对策。 本论文共有五章。第一章绪论;第二章独立学院大学生就业状况相关理论概述;第三章独立学院大学生就业现状调查;第四章独立学院大学生就业存在问题及成因分析;第五章促进独立学院大学生就业的举措。
[Abstract]:Since the expansion of higher education, China's higher education has gradually entered the stage of popularization, followed by a continuous increase in the number of college graduates every year. Independent colleges and universities are a new form of higher education which appears and develops in accordance with the trend of development of the times and the needs of popularization of higher education. Since its establishment, the Independent College has been widely concerned by all walks of life. As of April 2008, there were more than 300 "independent colleges" established in 29 provinces and cities throughout the country, with 1.657 million students and abundant resources for higher education. The number of undergraduates trained accounted for more than 30 percent of the total number of undergraduates in the country. Independent colleges have become an important force in undergraduate education. Therefore, the employment problem of independent college graduates is concerned by the whole society as well as that of ordinary college graduates. Because the employment rate is directly related to the realization of college graduates' life value and social stability. From the point of view of constructing a harmonious society, it is of great practical significance to study the employment of graduates of independent colleges. Based on questionnaire survey, student interview and enterprise investigation, this paper aims to investigate the employment status of college students in independent colleges with reference to the existing research results. For example, the independent college students are divided into major employment status; independent college students take postgraduate examination and independent entrepreneurial status; independent college students employment success cases; independent college students employment by year comparison and so on. The author also conducted a questionnaire survey on 1000 graduates of independent college to find out their attitude towards policy and society and analyze their employment mentality and employment expectation. This paper analyzes the present employment situation and existing problems of graduates from independent colleges by means of questionnaire survey. And from the school, the market and the student's own omnidirectional angle to analyze, standing in the government, the society and the independent university graduate's angle proposed the countermeasure. There are five chapters in this paper. The first chapter is introduction; the second chapter is an overview of the employment situation of independent college students; the third chapter is an investigation of the employment situation of independent college students; the fourth chapter is an analysis of the problems and causes of the employment of independent college students; The fifth chapter promotes the independent college student employment measure.


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