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发布时间:2018-07-03 10:49

  本文选题:高等师范院校 + 动物生理学实验 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:构建科学的学习评价体系是实验课程建设的重要组成部分。在高等师范院校实验课程中构建和实施多元学习评价体系,能够帮助生命科学专业的学生掌握扎实的实验技能,有助于培养合格的准中学教师,对生命科学学院师范生的专业发展具有重要意义。但是,在高等师范院校课程的学习评价研究中,对动物生理学实验学习的评价研究相对不足。因此,我们以多元学习评价理论为指导,以华东师范大学生命科学学院的动物生理学实验课程为基础,尝试构建动物生理学实验课程的多元学习评价体系。 本研究采用文献研究法,进一步明确了高等师范院校培养符合新时期课程改革要求的准专家型中学教师的历史使命;通览了多元学习评价理论的发展历程;梳理了学生在动物生理学实验中应掌握的基本技能和能力。在这些理论研究的基础上,借助访谈和问卷调查,了解了华东师范大学动物生理学实验课程中学习评价的现状以及教师和学生关于该实验课程学习评价体系建设的期望和建议。根据调查得知该课程的学习评价存在评价主体单一、评价方法单一、评价内容不全面等问题,进而针对动物生理学实验设置的基础实验和自主设计创新实验分别制定了多元学习评价体系。本研究根据实验课程安排及实验内容的设置,所构建的动物生理学实验课程多元学习评价体系包括:基础实验——实验过程自评量表,自主设计创新实验——实验方案评价标准、实验过程自评/互评表、实验结果汇报交流评价表。本研究构建的多元学习评价体系于2012年3月在华东师范大学生命科学学院2009级本科生(95人)大三下学期的动物生理学实验课程中进行了实施,实施过程持续3个月。实施完成后,笔者通过问卷调查及访谈,收取来自学生、相关专家和教师的反馈,对多元学习评价体系做进一步的修改和完善。在以上研究的基础上,笔者提出动物生理学实验课程的网络多元学习评价体系的构建设想。 结果表明,该评价体系的多元化在评价主体、评价内容、评价方式等方面均有所体现;该体系紧密结合课程特点和专业特色,重视学生在实验过程中的态度和实际表现,促进学生巩固和强化理论知识,学会基本实验技能,培养创新实践能力及科学思维等,为成为专家型教师做好准备。同时,本课题可以进一步补充完善我院的生命科学实验课程系列评价体系,以期为其他高等师范院校动物生理学实验课程的评价改革提供一定的参考。
[Abstract]:The construction of scientific learning evaluation system is an important part of experimental curriculum construction. The establishment and implementation of multi-learning evaluation system in the experimental courses of normal universities can help students majoring in life sciences master solid experimental skills and help to train qualified quasi-middle school teachers. It is of great significance to the professional development of normal students in the College of Life Sciences. However, in the study of the course evaluation in normal universities, the evaluation of animal physiology experimental study is relatively inadequate. Therefore, under the guidance of the theory of multiple learning evaluation and based on the animal physiology experiment course in the College of Life Sciences of East China normal University, we try to construct the multiple learning evaluation system of animal physiology experiment course. By using the method of literature research, this study further clarifies the historical mission of cultivating quasi-expert middle school teachers who meet the requirements of curriculum reform in higher normal universities, and outlines the development course of the theory of multiple learning evaluation. The basic skills and abilities that students should master in animal physiology experiments are combed out. On the basis of these theoretical studies, with the help of interviews and questionnaires, the present situation of learning evaluation in animal physiology experiment course of East China normal University and the expectations and suggestions of teachers and students on the construction of learning evaluation system of this experimental course are studied. According to the investigation, the study evaluation of this course has some problems, such as single evaluation subject, single evaluation method, incomplete evaluation content, etc. Then, the multivariate learning evaluation system is developed for the basic experiment and the innovative experiment of animal physiology. According to the arrangement of the experimental curriculum and the content of the experiment, the multi-learning evaluation system of the animal physiology experiment course consists of the basic experiment and the self-rating scale of the experimental process. Independent design and innovation experiment-the evaluation standard of experimental scheme, the self-evaluation / mutual evaluation of experimental process, and the report of experimental results. The multivariate learning evaluation system was implemented in the experimental course of animal physiology in the third semester of 2009 undergraduates (95 students) in East China normal University in March, 2012. The implementation process lasted for 3 months. After the implementation, the author received feedback from students, relevant experts and teachers through questionnaires and interviews to further modify and improve the multi-learning evaluation system. On the basis of the above research, the author puts forward the idea of constructing the network multiple learning evaluation system of animal physiology experiment course. The results show that the diversity of the evaluation system is reflected in the main body, the content and the way of evaluation, which is closely combined with the characteristics of curriculum and specialty, and attaches importance to the attitude and actual performance of the students in the course of the experiment. To promote students to consolidate and strengthen their theoretical knowledge, to learn basic experimental skills, to cultivate innovative practical ability and scientific thinking, and to prepare themselves for becoming expert teachers. At the same time, this subject can further complement and perfect the series evaluation system of life science experimental courses in our college, in order to provide some reference for the evaluation and reform of animal physiology experimental courses in other normal universities.


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