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发布时间:2018-07-03 09:59

  本文选题:地理教师 + 教师实践性知识 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在后现代主义知识观以及建构主义观点的影响下,教师的实践性知识获得了前所未有的关注,并且逐渐成为教师知识研究领域的热点议题。大家普遍认为教师实践性知识是教师专业发展的基础,是教师知识结构中的核心部分,是教师真正信奉并且在日常教学活动中经常使用的知识。 目前,国内关于教师实践性知识的研究日趋增多。例如在理论层面,国内研究者已对其内涵、特征、生成途径和影响因素等方面做了有益的探讨。在实践层面上,一些研究者也通过叙事研究、个案研究等多种方法对中小学教师的实践性知识开展了深入且细致的研究。但不可否认,地理教师始终是教师实践性知识研究领域中被长期忽视的群体。虽然关于其他学科教师实践性知识的研究成果,能够为地理教师的专业发展提供一些有益参考。但是受地理学科特点的影响,地理教师的实践性知识还是具有一定的特殊性。地理教师的实践性知识理应得到研究者更多的关注。 本研究在借鉴前人研究的基础上,采用叙事研究的方法,对一位优秀中学教师的教学故事及其生活故事进行了深入地分析研究,以期发现隐藏其中的教师实践性知识及其来源与生成之路,,为广大地理学科教师的专业成长提供可以借鉴的模板。 全文共分六部分:第一部分,主要对此次研究的缘起、目的及研究意义进行了简要介绍。第二部分,主要梳理了国内外学者关于教师实践性知识的研究成果,并在此基础上形成笔者对教师实践性知识的理解。第三部分,简要介绍了此次研究的思路、研究方法和研究过程。第四部分,主要通过李教师教学故事,从教师自我知识、学科内容知识、课程知识、学科教学法知识、教师关于学生的知识和教师教育信念六个维度,归纳和揭示蕴含于他日常教学活动中的实践性知识。第五部分,主要结合李教师的生活故事,从内部因素和外部因素两个维度探寻其实践性知识的来源与生成途径。第六部分,主要是对此次研究的总结与反思。通过回顾和分析第四、五部分的研究结果,笔者得以在更宽广的范围内理解李老师的实践性知识及其来源与生成途径。同时通过对研究全过程与研究方法的反思,笔者得以发现此次研究不足与自身局限。
[Abstract]:Under the influence of postmodernism and constructivism, teachers' practical knowledge has been paid more and more attention, and has gradually become a hot topic in the field of teachers' knowledge research. It is generally believed that teachers' practical knowledge is the foundation of teachers' professional development and the core part of teachers' knowledge structure. It is the knowledge that teachers really believe in and often use in their daily teaching activities. At present, the domestic research on teachers' practical knowledge is increasing day by day. For example, at the theoretical level, domestic researchers have made a beneficial discussion on its connotation, characteristics, generation approaches and influencing factors. On the practical level, some researchers have also carried out in-depth and meticulous research on the practical knowledge of primary and secondary school teachers through narrative studies, case studies and other methods. But there is no denying that geography teachers have always been neglected in the field of teachers' practical knowledge. Although the research results about the practical knowledge of teachers in other disciplines can provide some useful reference for the professional development of geography teachers. But the geography teacher's practical knowledge still has some particularity under the influence of the geography discipline characteristic. The practical knowledge of geography teachers should be paid more attention by researchers. On the basis of previous studies, this study makes a deep analysis and research on the teaching stories and life stories of an excellent middle school teacher by means of narrative research. The purpose of this paper is to find out the practical knowledge of teachers, its source and the way of its formation, and to provide a template for the professional growth of geography teachers. The thesis is divided into six parts: the first part introduces the origin, purpose and significance of this research. The second part, mainly combs the domestic and foreign scholars' research achievement about the teacher's practical knowledge, and forms the author's understanding of the teacher's practical knowledge on this basis. The third part, briefly introduces the research ideas, research methods and research process. The fourth part, mainly through the teacher Li's teaching story, from the teacher's self-knowledge, the subject content knowledge, the curriculum knowledge, the discipline teaching method knowledge, the teacher's knowledge about the student and the teacher education belief six dimensions, Induces and reveals the practical knowledge contained in his daily teaching activities. The fifth part mainly combines teacher Li's life story to explore the source and generation of his practical knowledge from the two dimensions of internal factors and external factors. The sixth part is the summary and reflection of this research. By reviewing and analyzing the research results of the fourth and fifth parts, the author can understand teacher Li's practical knowledge, its source and the way of formation in a wider scope. At the same time, through the reflection of the whole research process and research methods, the author can find that this research is insufficient and its own limitations.


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