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发布时间:2018-07-04 09:59

  本文选题:重点大学 + 入学机会 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前,我国社会各方面的不平等现象是普遍存在的并且己经成为一个不争的事实,在教育领域中也不例外。在这样的背景下,研究社会平等就显得很有必要,与此同时“教育机会均等”也逐渐进入人们的视线,人们开始花大功夫研究这一问题。在我国,很多学者研究教育公平的问题,尤其是城乡之间教育公平问题。他们着眼于城乡之间的义务教育、高等教育、素质教育的公平问题,,以及入学机会享受教育资源方面等的问题。但是与西方国家相比,我国对教育均等问题的研究比较落后,在研究的时间和领域上也存在差距。而且由于之前人们普遍认为的一种错误观念即不平等是阶级社会的产物,而我国是社会主义国家在我们的社会主义国家的社会都是平等的,因此不存在不平等,教育领域也不例外。因此,那时候很少有人去研究教育均等问题。八十年代之后,改革开放不但推动了国家经济的发展也推动了人们思想的进步有学者开始认识到这种思想是一种误区,并着手深思教育机会均等的问题,也取得了丰硕的成绩。尤其是随着经济社会的不断发展以及教育事业的进步,学者们开始研究重点大学入学机会的问题。 在分析近几年甚至是近十年我国重点大学录取情况之后,我们不难发现我国重点大学入学机会在起点上就处于一种不平衡的状态,城市学生的入学机会多而农村学生的入学机会少,城乡之间处于严重的不平衡趋势。鉴于这种现实情况,现阶段解决重点大学入学机会均等的问题是非常有必要的。但是这并不是一朝一夕就能解决好的问题,因此需要社会各界人士积极参与,发挥应有的作用,共同缓解这种不公平的现状。享有重点大学入学机会对人的全面发展有着重要的影响意义,能够进入重点高校学习会获取比别人更多的文化资源、社会资源等等,就会比别人更容易实现人生的成功、更容易进入较高的社会层次。所以在我国重点大学入学机会不均等情况比较严重的背景下,以重点大学入学机会起点作为研究的突破口有着重要的意义。 重点大学为我国的社会发展和社会主义现代化建设提供了一大批的高端人才,同时为社会进步提供了知识基础和精神动力,在我国的教育事业中占有极其重要的地位。随着高等教育大众化的发展,我国的重点大学教育事业取得可喜的成绩,入学率有了明显的提高,但是在我国的重点大学中,农村学生越来越少,重点大学入学机会的城乡不平衡问题也日益显现出来。因此,研究重点大学入学机会的城乡差异问题无疑就具有深刻而又深远的现实意义。 本文通过比较法、文献法、调查法等方法,以北京大学、清华大学等重点大学为例,通过对城乡的学生在进入重点大学的机会方面的分析研究,指出他们在这方面存在差异性,而且尽可能的找出造成这种差异的原因,提出解决的对策。通过分析指出,影响城乡学生进入重点大学的因素主要有:社会制度、高考制度、家庭因素、政府政策以及就业前景等等。近年来进入重点大学学生总人数明显增加,然而城市学生和农村学生的比例明显的不均衡,农村学生的比例明显的下降。 通过对城乡间重点大学入学机会的差异的影响因素以及改进措施的研究,我们可以缓解当前城乡重点大学入学机会差异,缩小城乡教育投入差距、打破城乡二元经济结构、改革高考录取招生制度,从而促进城乡重点大学入学机会趋向公平,推进社会主义和谐社会的建设。
[Abstract]:At present, inequality in all aspects of our society is common and has become an indisputable fact, and it is no exception in the field of education. In this context, it is necessary to study social equality. At the same time, the equality of educational opportunities is gradually coming into the eyes of people, and people are beginning to take great effort to study this. One problem. In our country, many scholars study the problem of equity in education, especially the problem of educational equity between urban and rural areas. They focus on the problem of compulsory education, higher education, the equity of quality education, and the enjoyment of educational resources between urban and rural areas, as well as the access to education resources. But compared with western countries, our country is concerned about the equality of education. The research is relatively backward, and there is also a gap in the time and field of research. And because of the wrong idea that people generally believe that inequality is the product of class society, and that our country is a socialist country in our socialist society is equal, because this does not exist inequality, education is no exception. At the time, few people studied the equality of education. After 80s, the reform and opening up not only promoted the economic development of the country, but also promoted the progress of people's thought. Some scholars began to realize that this kind of thought was a misunderstanding, and began to think deeply about the equality of educational opportunities, and made great achievements, especially with the economy. With the continuous development of society and the progress of education, scholars began to study the opportunity of admission to key universities.
After analyzing the enrolment of the key universities in China in recent years or even in the last ten years, it is not difficult to find that the entrance opportunities of the key universities in our country are in a unbalanced state of departure. There are many opportunities for the entrance of the students in the cities while the opportunities for the students in the countryside are few, and the urban and rural areas are in a serious unbalance trend. At the present stage, it is necessary to solve the problem of equal access to key universities. But it is not a problem that can be solved overnight. Therefore, it is necessary for all circles of society to participate actively and play its due role in alleviating this unfair situation. To be able to enter the key colleges and universities to acquire more cultural resources than others, social resources and so on, it will be easier to achieve the success of life than others and easier to enter the higher social level. Therefore, the starting point of the key university entrance opportunity is in the background of the serious unequal situation in the entrance opportunities of the key universities in China. As a breakthrough in the study, it is of great significance.
The key universities provide a large number of high end talents for the social development and socialist modernization in China, and provide a knowledge base and spiritual motivation for the social progress. It occupies an extremely important position in the educational cause of our country. With the development of the popularization of higher education, the education of the key universities of our country has been made gratifying. As a result, the enrollment rate has been obviously improved, but in the key universities in China, there are fewer and fewer rural students, and the imbalance between urban and rural areas of key universities is becoming more and more obvious. Therefore, it is undoubtedly of profound and far-reaching practical significance to study the difference between urban and rural areas of the entrance opportunities of key universities.
This paper, by means of comparative method, literature method and investigation method, takes the key universities of Peking University and Tsinghua University as an example. Through the analysis and Research on the opportunities for students in urban and rural areas to enter the key universities, they point out that they are different in this respect, and find out the reasons for this difference as far as possible, and put forward the countermeasures to solve them. The analysis points out that the main factors affecting the entrance of urban and rural students to key universities include social system, college entrance examination system, family factors, government policies and employment prospects. In recent years, the total number of students entering key universities has increased significantly. However, the proportion of urban students and rural students is obviously uneven, and the proportion of rural students has decreased significantly.
Through the study of the influencing factors and the improvement measures, we can alleviate the differences in the entrance opportunities of the urban and rural key universities, narrow the gap between urban and rural education investment, break the two yuan economic structure in urban and rural areas, and reform the enrollment system of the college entrance examination, thus promoting the entrance opportunities of the urban and rural key universities to the public. To promote the construction of a socialist harmonious society.


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