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发布时间:2018-07-04 07:08

  本文选题:小组教学 + 大学教学 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, the organizational form of university teaching in our country is still dominated by the class teaching system, and the disadvantages brought by the traditional class teaching system are becoming more and more obvious. As people pay close attention to the quality of higher education, the research on improving the quality of higher education is increasing gradually, among which the reform of teaching organization and the improvement of college teaching quality have gradually become the common research field of the society. It has also become an important research topic for educational researchers. According to the present situation of university teaching and the aim of college teaching, this paper puts forward the development of group teaching as the organizational form of university teaching. Compared with the traditional class teaching system, the class size of group teaching is reduced, the ratio of students to teachers is reduced, the students are the main body, the students' personality cultivation and initiative are emphasized, the creative play, the interaction between teachers and students, and the interaction between students and students are frequent. Teaching form and teaching evaluation are more diversified and individualized. Group teaching through the reform of classroom teaching form to achieve effective teaching, the ultimate goal is to better train students' comprehensive ability and cultivate high-quality talents. Group teaching embodies the value orientation of people-oriented education, paying attention to the development of students and equal educational opportunities. It is not only the voice of higher education, but also the requirement of the development of the times. The practice of group teaching in universities has a solid theoretical basis and an urgent practical basis, which provides the necessity for research. In order to make group teaching feasible, this paper discusses in detail the concrete operation process of group teaching in university. First, we need to make a detailed and comprehensive group teaching plan, and then use a variety of teaching methods to organize the teaching. In the process of classroom teaching, some unpredictable situations will inevitably occur, which requires teachers to manage students, groups and teaching environment in a timely manner to ensure the effectiveness of teaching. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching, it is necessary to evaluate students' learning and teachers' teaching. To sum up, the implementation steps of group teaching include six steps: decision-making, guidance, observation, adjustment, evaluation and succession. At last, the concrete classroom process of group teaching is described in the form of case. This paper discusses the plan, organization, management, evaluation of group teaching, the concrete implementation steps of group teaching, and the teaching cases of micro group teaching, and discusses the feasibility and unique advantages of group teaching. Because group teaching is to draw lessons from foreign teaching organization, it may encounter some difficulties under the present situation and background of university teaching in our country, including class size, traditional teaching concept, system and teaching conditions. Curriculum setting, teacher quantity and quality, etc. This paper predicts these problems and puts forward some solutions to make the implementation of group teaching more in line with the actual situation of college teaching in China. In order to reform the organizational form of university teaching and implement group teaching, it is necessary to combine other factors that affect university teaching, to change the concept, to support the system and to cooperate with the personnel from all sides. Only then can group teaching be carried out smoothly and effectively in college teaching.


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