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发布时间:2018-07-05 20:03

  本文选题:女大学生 + 价值取向 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1949年新中国成立以来,男女平等的基本国策在中国已经实行了六十多年了。广大的女性因此有机会走进校园接受教育,尤其是高等教育。随着中国社会的发展,,女大学生的人数和在校比例都在不断的攀升,女大学生已然成为一个引人注目的群体。在当今这个价值取向多元化的社会,女大学生的价值取向是一个值得关注的问题。改革开放和科技的大发展在给我们带来便利的同时,也带来了西方的各种思潮。拜金主义、享乐主义、个人主义对女大学生的价值取向产生了很大的影响,同时传统的文化又在潜移默化的影响着当今的女大学生。因此,当今的女大学生在价值取向上不免有很多的矛盾和困惑。人类文明走到今天,女大学生渴望和男性一样平等的存在于天地间,她们希望独立自主,成为职业女性,可是社会依然存在的对女性的歧视让很多的女大学生难以满意的就业。于是就有很多的女大学生选择“曲线救国”。众多女大学生的负面信息出现在网络上、报纸上,让世人对女大学生的处境感到担忧。因此,关注当今女大学生的价值取向就具有十分重大的意义。 本论文主要采用问卷调查的方法,选取河南省部分高校的女大学生为调查对象,运用自编问卷对当今女大学生的人生观、婚恋观和就业观进行调查。通过对所得数据的统计分析得到当今女大学生价值取向的现状和特点,进而提出合理的教育对策。通过数据分析,笔者得出当今女大学生价值取向的特点是:1.积极与消极并存,传统与现代并存2.实用性和功利性3、矛盾性。根据女大学生价值取向的特点,笔者试图提出一些合理的建议,主要有:(一)更新教育观念,关注性别差异,实现性别平等;(二)建立女大学生心理咨询室,为女大学生搭建多种交流平台;(三)开设女性学课程,提高女大学生的主体意识;(四)引导女大学生树立职业规划意识,培养女大学生的职业核心能力。引导女大学生建立科学合理的价值观,促进女大学生的全面发展是一条漫漫长路,任重道远,需要全社会共同努力。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1949, the basic national policy of equality between men and women has been practiced in China for more than 60 years. As a result, the majority of women have the opportunity to enter the campus to receive education, especially higher education. With the development of Chinese society, the number of female college students and the proportion of female college students are constantly rising, female college students have become a noticeable group. In today's society, the value orientation of female college students is a problem worth paying attention to. Reform and opening-up and the great development of science and technology not only bring us convenience, but also bring all kinds of thoughts in the West. Money worship, hedonism, individualism have a great impact on the value orientation of female college students, while the traditional culture has a subtle influence on the female college students. Therefore, there are many contradictions and puzzles in the value orientation of female college students nowadays. Human civilization to today, female college students want to be equal with men in heaven and earth, they want to be independent and become professional women, but there is still social discrimination against women, many female college students find it difficult to find satisfactory employment. As a result, there are many female college students choose "curve to save the country." The negative information of many female college students appears on the Internet, newspaper, let the world feel worried about the situation of female college students. Therefore, it is of great significance to pay attention to the value orientation of female college students. This paper mainly adopts the method of questionnaire, selects the female college students of some colleges and universities in Henan Province as the investigation object, uses the self-made questionnaire to carry on the investigation to the present female university student's outlook on life, the marriage and the love view and the employment view. Through the statistical analysis of the data obtained, the present situation and characteristics of the value orientation of female college students are obtained, and the reasonable educational countermeasures are put forward. Through data analysis, the author concludes that the characteristic of female college students' value orientation is 1: 1. Positive and negative coexist, tradition and modern coexist 2. Practical and utilitarian 3, contradictory. According to the characteristics of female college students' value orientation, the author tries to put forward some reasonable suggestions, such as: (1) renewing educational concepts, paying attention to gender differences and realizing gender equality; (2) setting up psychological counseling room for female college students. To set up a variety of communication platforms for female students; (3) to set up courses for female students to improve their subjective consciousness; (4) to guide female college students to set up a sense of career planning and to cultivate the core vocational competence of female college students. It is a long way to guide female college students to establish scientific and reasonable values and to promote their all-round development, which requires the joint efforts of the whole society.


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1 彭淑媛;邓晖;蒋慧;;论教育与幸福追求——对中国女性教育的思考[J];四川教育学院学报;2010年03期

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2 路晓丽;女大学生心理辅导的内容、形式与对策研究[D];南昌大学;2008年

3 吴亚丽;论后女权主义视阈下的女性主体意识教育[D];河南大学;2008年




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