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发布时间:2018-07-09 12:47

  本文选题:教授治校 + 利益相关者理论 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育的创新来自于学者的活力,,可是,他们在中国大学体制中却处于一种“失语”状况,高等教育大学管理体制改革的呼声越来越大,教授治校作为一种民主管理思想和管理模式,又重新被人们提了出来。 根据利益相关者理论,传统的公司治理奉行的是股东至上理论而利益相关者理论是对传统的公司治理理论的批判,它强调影响企业生存与发展的不仅仅是股东,更依赖于其他利益相关者。相比之下,无论是公立大学还是私立大学,大学都是一个典型的利益相关者组织,作为核心利益相关者的大学教授以自己的人力资本投资入股,他们有权参与学校的学术管理和决策。所以,在当前党委领导校长负责制的前提下,构建教授治校的治理模式对深化高等教育改革具有非常重要的意义。 为此,本文首先对我国大学教授治校的现状进行了相关分析与研究,内容主要包括理论基础;问卷设计和调查样本的选择;我国大学教授治校的现状;我国教授治校存在问题的原因分析。其次对利益相关者理论与教授的权力与地位进行了相关研究,此部分主要对作为高校的核心利益相关者的大学教授有权参与学校的学术管理进行了相关的分析。再次对西方大学教授治校的模式进行了相关研究,此部分主要对德国、美国、英国的教授治校的权力运作模式进行了研究,以期为我国大学教授治校治理模式的构建提供可供参考的意见。最后在强化大学法人地位和相关法律法规,高校去行政化、落实教授治校的权力,建立教授评议会制度的基础上建立和完善我国教授治校的治理模式,这种模式对于现代大学制度的改革具有非常重要的理论和实践意义。
[Abstract]:The innovation of higher education comes from the vitality of scholars. However, they are in a "aphasia" situation in China's university system. As a kind of democratic management thought and management mode, professor governing school has been put forward again. According to the stakeholder theory, the traditional corporate governance pursues the shareholder first theory and the stakeholder theory criticizes the traditional corporate governance theory. It emphasizes that it is not only the shareholders who affect the survival and development of the enterprise. More dependent on other stakeholders. In contrast, universities, whether public or private, are typical stakeholder organizations, with university professors as core stakeholders investing in their own human capital. They have the right to participate in the academic management and decision-making of the school. Therefore, under the premise of the current system of leading the principal of the Party committee, it is of great significance to construct the governance model of the professor governing the school to deepen the reform of higher education. For this reason, this article first carries on the correlation analysis and the research to our country university professor administration present situation, the content mainly includes the theory foundation, the questionnaire design and the investigation sample selection, our country university professor administration present situation; An Analysis of the causes of the problems in the School Management by Professors in China. Secondly, it studies the theory of stakeholders and the power and status of professors. This part mainly analyzes the right of university professors to participate in the academic management of colleges and universities as the core stakeholders. This part mainly studies the power operation mode of professors in Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. In order to provide reference for the construction of governance model of university professors in our country. Finally, on the basis of strengthening the status of university legal person and related laws and regulations, deadministrating the university, implementing the power of the professor to run the university, and establishing the system of the professor's consultative council, this paper establishes and consummates the governance mode of the professor running the university in our country. This model has very important theoretical and practical significance for the reform of modern university system.


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