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发布时间:2018-07-09 14:56

  本文选题:大学生 + 膳食结构 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学时期是人生发展的一个特殊阶段,从高中紧张的学习状态中过渡到了大学自由,松散的环境,这种过渡助长了饮食结构不合理。这种不良的结构使大学生营养过剩造成肥胖等疾病以及摄入的营养不足,使得身体素质下降。本文根据大学生的日常饮食习惯,通过调查分析,得出影响其体质健康的因素,通过合理的监督和措施的执行,规范大学生的日常饮食,切实提高大学生的体质健康。选取长沙市5所教育部批准的普通高等学校的500名大二、大三学生,其中985高校1所,211高校1所,省属重点高校2所,市属重点高校1所,被调查的学生所在学校在高校的不同层面上,因此,调查结果具有代表性。本文研究采用KAP营养调查问卷和24h回顾法,为本课题的研究提供相对准确科学的资料和数据来源。调查结果如下:(1)800m成绩和台阶实验与是否吃早餐、是否吃零食、是否吃夜宵、能量等营养素呈正相关。50m成绩与各指标之间无明显相关性,说明50米成绩要求的体育锻炼差别不大,且与是否吃早餐、是否吃零食、是否吃夜宵、能量等营养素的摄入关系不大。(2)肺活量指标与谷类、菜类、奶类、夜宵频率、蛋白质、脂肪、Fe、维生素A、维生素B1正相关。(3)从检验结果得出的大二、大三学生的身高比较来看,鸡蛋、牛奶摄入频率高,蛋白质和优质蛋白质摄入多,维生素A、维生素B2、钙等矿物质摄入多,吃早餐的频率高、少吃夜宵与增高有关,说明膳食结构中牛奶、鸡蛋、优质蛋白质、钙等膳食营养素对大学生的身高增高有明显影响,排除遗传因素的影响,大学生仍然可以通过合理的膳食结构改变他们的身高。(4)视力不良指标与谷类、菜类、奶类、夜宵频率、蛋白质、脂肪、Fe、维生素A、维生素B1正相关,血压偏高指标与菜类、水果、鱼类、Ca、维生素A、维生素B1正相关,贫血与早餐、零食和Fe正相关。 通过调查及分析,发现长沙市的大二、大三学生存在较多的膳食结构和体质健康问题,主要表现为零食使用过多、夜宵过多、食物营养元素的获取不均衡,呈现出普遍的营养缺乏。原因一方面体现在注重形体美、减肥节食;另一方面是饮食消费能力限制。造成经常不吃早餐,或早餐吃的过晚,带到课堂上吃:寝室熄灯晚,常常到半夜1-2点钟;零食使用过多,导致肥胖等疾病;食物的选择依据不是根据其营养元素的含量,而是主要依据个人爱好的口味和日常形成的饮食习惯。因此,有必要加强膳食管理和干预,指导大学生合理膳食。同时对大学生进行营养知识的宣传教育,从而帮助其进行合理的食物选择,改进他们的膳食结构,以切实的提高他们的体质健康。
[Abstract]:The university period is a special stage in the development of life. The transition from the tense learning state in the senior high school to the free and loose environment in the university contributes to the irrational diet structure. This poor structure causes obesity and other diseases, as well as inadequate intake of nutrition, resulting in a decline in physical fitness. According to the daily eating habits of college students and through investigation and analysis, this paper draws the conclusion that the factors affecting their physical health can be improved by reasonable supervision and implementation of measures to regulate the daily diet of college students and to improve their physical health. In this paper, 500 sophomores and junior students of 5 colleges and universities approved by the Ministry of Education in Changsha City are selected. Among them, 985 colleges and universities have one or two universities, two provincial key universities and one municipal key colleges and universities. The students are in different levels of higher education, so the results are representative. In this paper, KAP nutrition questionnaire and 24 h review method were used to provide relatively accurate and scientific data sources for the study of this subject. The results are as follows: (1) there is no significant correlation between 800m achievement and step test and whether to eat breakfast, snack or not, energy and other nutrients. It shows that there is no significant difference between physical exercise and breakfast, whether to eat snacks, whether to eat supper or not, whether to eat energy and other nutrients. (2) vital capacity index and cereals, vegetables, milk, frequency of supper, protein, etc. Fat Fe, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 are positively correlated. (3) comparing the height of sophomore and sophomore students from the test results, egg and milk intake frequency is high, and protein and high quality protein intake is high. Vitamin A, vitamin B2, calcium and other minerals were ingested more frequently, and the frequency of breakfast was high. Eating less supper was related to the increase, which indicated that dietary nutrients such as milk, eggs, high quality protein, calcium and other dietary nutrients in the dietary structure had a significant effect on the increase of college students' height. Excluding the influence of genetic factors, college students can still change their height through a reasonable dietary structure. (4) the visual impairment index is positively correlated with cereals, vegetables, milk, supper frequency, protein, fat Feb, vitamin A, vitamin B1, etc. High blood pressure was positively correlated with vegetables, fruits, fish, vitamin A, vitamin B1, anemia and breakfast, snacks and Fe. Through investigation and analysis, it is found that the sophomore and junior students in Changsha have more problems in dietary structure and physical health, which are mainly manifested in the excessive use of snacks, too much supper, and unbalanced access to food nutrients. There is a widespread nutritional deficiency. On the one hand, the reason is to pay attention to body beauty, weight loss diet; on the other hand, dietary consumption capacity restrictions. Often skip breakfast, or eat too late for breakfast, take it to class: turn off the lights in your bedroom late, often until 1-2 o'clock in the middle of the night; use too many snacks, leading to diseases such as obesity; and choose your food on the basis of its nutrient content. But mainly based on the taste of personal interests and the daily formation of eating habits. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen dietary management and intervention to guide college students to eat properly. At the same time, the propaganda and education of nutrition knowledge was carried out to help college students to choose reasonable food, improve their dietary structure, and improve their physical health.


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