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发布时间:2018-07-10 09:28

  本文选题:高校 + 师范类 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,女性的社会地位不断得到提升,女性参与到社会生活的方方面面,在一些工作岗位上取得了骄人的成绩。随着经济社会的不断发展,女性对工作、生活质量也有了更高的诉求,本研究对上海市师范类高校女教师体育锻炼现状进行分析,,总结影响其锻炼的因素,对更好地满足女教师体育锻炼需求具有重要的现实意义和价值。 本文通过文献资料分析、问卷调查、访谈和数理统计等研究方法了解和掌握上海市师范类高校女教师的体育锻炼现状,结合现实条件和有关政策提出促进加强高校女教师体育锻炼的建议和对策,为有关管理部门提供参考,从而通过体育锻炼促进高校女教师的身体健康,培养她们良好的生活习惯和生活方式,使她们能够以健康的身体和充沛的精力投入到教育事业中。研究认为上海市师范类高校女教师健康自评状况不容乐观,对自身健康满意程度随年龄的增加而减少;超重、肥胖、清瘦教师比例偏高,占到调查人数的42%;同时,存在一定的“高知低行”的现象;参加体育锻炼的动机不尽相同,呈现多样化特点,总体符合了现代的健康理念;体育人口比例偏低,大部分教师未养成良好的体育锻炼习惯。体育锻炼表现出强度偏小、频率偏低,每次锻炼时间较合理的特点;以散步、慢跑等简单项目为主,选择呈多元化趋势;以学校的公共体育设施和场地为主要锻炼场地;参与体育锻炼主要是自发性的,形式以独自一人、与朋友、家人一起为主,通过参加社区、俱乐部等有组织的体育锻炼的形式极其薄弱。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the social status of women has been continuously improved, women participate in all aspects of social life, and have made remarkable achievements in some jobs. With the development of economy and society, women have higher demands to work and quality of life. This study analyzes the present situation of female teachers' physical training in normal universities in Shanghai, and summarizes the factors that affect their exercise. It has important practical significance and value to better meet female teachers' physical training needs. Based on literature analysis, questionnaire survey, interview and mathematical statistics, this paper tries to understand and master the present situation of female teachers' physical training in normal universities in Shanghai. Combined with practical conditions and relevant policies, the paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to promote the physical exercise of female teachers in colleges and universities, and provides references for the relevant management departments, thus promoting the health of female teachers in colleges and universities through physical exercise. Cultivate their good habits and lifestyle so that they can devote themselves to education with healthy health and energy. The study considers that the self-assessment of female teachers' health in normal universities in Shanghai is not optimistic, and the degree of satisfaction with their own health decreases with the increase of age; the proportion of overweight, obese and lean teachers is on the high side, accounting for 42% of the survey population; at the same time, There is a certain phenomenon of "high knowledge and low behavior"; the motivations of participating in physical exercise are different, showing diversified characteristics, which generally accord with the modern concept of health; the proportion of sports population is on the low side, and most teachers have not formed good physical exercise habits. Physical exercise shows the characteristics of small intensity, low frequency, reasonable time for each exercise, taking walking, jogging and other simple items as the main choice, taking the public sports facilities and venues of the school as the main exercise venues; Participation in physical exercise is mainly spontaneous, in the form of a person alone, together with friends and family, through participation in the community, clubs and other organized forms of physical exercise is extremely weak.


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