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发布时间:2018-07-10 10:31

  本文选题:大学生 + 职业自我效能 ; 参考:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前我国高校毕业生面临着比较严峻的就业形势。一方面是每年的大学毕业生人数呈逐年上升的势头,另一方面则是国内的经济发展速度有所放缓,用人单位对应届毕业生的用人需求有所下降,这两个方面的因素交织在一起使大学生的就业问题显得尤为突出。关注大学生就业这一综合性问题,可以从多个层面入手,笔者经过调研后发现,学生个体主观认知状态是诸多影响他们就业的关键因素之一。因此,对学生择业倾向的研究不仅可以帮助高校毕业生理性择业,更可以为学校的就业指导工作提供理论指导,具有一定的理论意义。 本研究以班杜拉的自我效能理论为视角切入,并结合职业选择理论对大学生的职业选择倾向进行了实证研究。论文在对前人的相关研究理论和研究成果进行梳理、总结的基础上,以在校大学生为实证研究对象,采用问卷调查方法,通过差异分析和相关分析,得出了如下结论:(1)在职业自我效能方面,传统的性别角色观念对人们的职业自我效能依然有着较大的影响;不同年级、不同性别、不同专业的职业自我效能水平也有着突出的差异性;城乡来源不同的学生在职业自我效能水平上不存在显著差异。(2)不同性别、年级、专业、城乡来源的学生在三个维度即声望地位、个人保障及职业发展趋向上不存在明显差异。(3)大学生的职业自我效能感与其职业选择倾向存在显著相关。择业倾向与职业的声望地位及未来发展趋向呈显著的正相关,而与个人保障因素则表现出不相关。 研究表明,职业的自我效能感对大学生职业选择倾向的影响十分显著。因此,高校方面可以采取恰当方式来提升学生的职业自我效能感,进而引导其职业选择倾向更趋于现实、合理。采取有效的教育手段可以通过帮助学生构建科学合理的职业目标,比如有针对地开展职业生涯规划教育等方式,开展教育引导,取得工作实效。
[Abstract]:At present, college graduates in our country are facing a severe employment situation. On the one hand, the number of college graduates is increasing year by year; on the other hand, the domestic economic development rate has slowed down, and the employers' demand for new graduates has decreased. These two factors are intertwined to make the employment problem of college students stand out. To pay attention to the comprehensive problem of college students' employment, we can start from many aspects. After investigation, the author finds that the individual subjective cognitive state of students is one of the key factors that affect their employment. Therefore, the study of students' tendency to choose a career can not only help college graduates to choose a rational career, but also provide theoretical guidance for the employment guidance of the school, which has certain theoretical significance. From the perspective of Bandura's self-efficacy theory, this study makes an empirical study of college students' career choice tendency with the help of career choice theory. On the basis of summarizing and summarizing the related theories and results of previous studies, this paper takes the college students as the empirical research object, adopts the questionnaire method, through the difference analysis and the correlation analysis. The conclusions are as follows: (1) in the aspect of professional self-efficacy, the traditional concept of gender roles still has a great impact on people's professional self-efficacy. There are also significant differences in professional self-efficacy among different majors, and there is no significant difference between urban and rural students in vocational self-efficacy level. (2) different gender, grade, specialty, Students from urban and rural areas have no significant differences in three dimensions, namely, prestige status, personal security and career development trend. (3) College students' sense of occupational self-efficacy is significantly related to their career choice tendency. Career preference is positively correlated with prestige status and future development trend, but it is not related to personal security factors. The study shows that career self-efficacy has a significant effect on college students' career choice tendency. Therefore, colleges and universities can adopt appropriate ways to enhance students' sense of professional self-efficacy, and then guide their career choice tendency to be more realistic and reasonable. Effective educational means can help students to construct scientific and reasonable career goals, such as to carry out career planning education in a targeted way, to develop educational guidance, and to achieve practical results.


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