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发布时间:2018-07-11 10:31

  本文选题:独立学院 + 大学生 ; 参考:《吉林农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:独立学院最早创建于1999年,作为高等教育的新生力量,十多年来,她们的发展极其迅速,目前全国尚存独立学院300余所,承担着近三分之一的本科生培养任务,是高等教育的重要组成部分。但由于其办学体制、社会环境、学生素质等多方面因素,在当前整体就业形势不容乐观的情况下,独立学院大学生的就业形势显得尤为严峻。 影响大学生就业的因素有很多,其中一个重要的原因就是大学生就业能力的缺失,因此,高度重视大学生就业能力的培养是解决大学生就业问题的重要途径。早在上世纪五十年代,西方国家就已经出现了关于就业能力研究的文献,经过几十年的发展,就业能力理论的研究已进入非常广泛的领域。由于近些年我国大学生就业政策进行了调整,同时高校不断的扩大招生规模,导致了大学生就业难的现状。鉴于这种情况,受到国外研究的影响,我国也开始逐渐关注对大学生就业能力培养的研究,但由于起步较晚,加上国情的不同,目前还没有形成相对成熟的理论体系。 本文以独立学院大学生为研究对象,通过文献、访谈、观察等方法深入调查当前独立学院大学生的就业能力现状,获得第一手资料。然后对资料进行细致研究,找出存在的问题并分析原因,最后提出相应的对策或建议,力求能够比较科学、有效的提高独立学院大学生的就业能力。
[Abstract]:The Independent College was first established in 1999. As a new force in higher education, they have developed very rapidly in the past ten years. At present, more than 300 independent colleges remain in the country, undertaking nearly 1/3 undergraduate training tasks. It is an important part of higher education. However, due to its school system, social environment, student quality and other factors, in the current overall employment situation is not optimistic, the employment situation of independent college students is particularly grim. There are many factors affecting the employment of college students, one of the important reasons is the lack of employment ability of college students. Therefore, it is an important way to solve the problem of employment of college students to attach great importance to the cultivation of employment ability of college students. As early as the fifties of last century, the literature on employability has appeared in western countries. After decades of development, the research of employability theory has entered a very wide range of fields. In recent years, the employment policy of college students in our country has been adjusted, at the same time, colleges and universities continue to expand the scale of enrollment, resulting in the status quo of employment difficulties for college students. In view of this situation, under the influence of foreign research, our country began to pay attention to the study of the employment ability of college students gradually. However, due to the late start and the different national conditions, there is not yet a relatively mature theoretical system. This article takes the independent college student as the research object, through the literature, the interview, the observation and so on the method and so on thorough investigation independent college student's employment ability present situation, obtains the first-hand information. Then the paper makes a careful study of the data, finds out the existing problems and analyzes the reasons, and finally puts forward the corresponding countermeasures or suggestions, in order to be more scientific and effective to improve the employability of college students.


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