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发布时间:2018-07-11 12:13

  本文选题:高校教师 + 绩效考核 ; 参考:《渤海大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,为切实提高高校师资队伍建设水平,推动高等教育事业又好又快发展,教师绩效考核工作越来越受到高校的重视。教师绩效考核既与教师职称晋升、收入分配、评先评优紧密相关,,又对激励教师工作积极性和主动性起到积极作用。目前高校教师绩效考核工作已进行多年,对事业的发展起到重要的作用,但方案的科学性、公正性、客观性仍不完善。在建立现代大学制度、建设特色一流大学的进程中,建立现代教师绩效考核机制显得十分重要和紧迫。 本文在研究本科高校教师绩效考核机制的过程中,对绩效考核相关概念进行界定,对原则办法进行概述,同时分析了国内教师考核现状,并与日本、美国等国家教师考核工作进行了比较。文章分析了考核在调动教师积极性方面、反映教师工作特点方面、考核的有效实施方面及考核与教师利益关系等方面的情况。最后,本文创建了适合本科高校的教师绩效考核机制并提出实施本办法的程序以及实施中应注意的问题。
[Abstract]:In recent years, in order to improve the construction level of teachers in colleges and universities and promote the development of higher education, the performance evaluation of teachers has been paid more and more attention by colleges and universities. Teachers' performance appraisal is not only closely related to the promotion of teachers' professional titles, income distribution and evaluation first, but also plays an active role in motivating teachers' enthusiasm and initiative. At present, the performance evaluation of college teachers has been carried out for many years, which plays an important role in the development of the cause, but the scientific, impartial and objectivity of the scheme is still imperfect. In the process of establishing the modern university system and constructing the characteristic first-class university, it is very important and urgent to establish the performance appraisal mechanism of modern teachers. In the course of studying the performance appraisal mechanism of undergraduate college teachers, this paper defines the related concepts of performance appraisal, summarizes the principle and methods, and analyzes the present situation of teachers' assessment in China, and compares with Japan. The teacher assessment work in the United States and other countries is compared. This paper analyzes the situation of examination in arousing the enthusiasm of teachers, reflecting the characteristics of teachers' work, the effective implementation of assessment and the relationship between assessment and teachers' interests. Finally, this paper establishes a performance evaluation mechanism for teachers in colleges and universities, and puts forward the procedures and problems to be paid attention to in the implementation of the measures.


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