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发布时间:2018-07-13 16:04
【摘要】:大学生就业问题,不仅是引发广泛关注的一个现实问题,而且也是学界探讨较多的一个理论问题。围绕着大学生就业问题,近来许多学者从社会资本角度予以讨论。将视线锁定在大学生个体及其家庭的社会经济背景、社会关系网络等对其就业产生的种种积极或消极的影响,忽视了高校社会资本因素对于大学生就业产生的影响。因此,站在高校角度分析促进我国大学生就业的社会资本因素,无疑具有十分重要的理论与实践价值,在某种程度上对于解决好大学生就业问题有所裨益。 运用文献资料法、比较法等教育科学研究常用的方法,首先对选题的核心概念大学生就业、社会资本、经营等予以界定,阐述了选题依托的社会资本理论的产生、发展及其主要内容,厘清了有益于大学生就业的高校社会资本的主要构成;其次,指出了运用高校社会资本促进大学生就业必然性,从大学生就业制度、就业过程和高校社会资本自身三个维度分析了加强高校社会资本经营的重要性,从高校办学自主权和组织边界等主要维度论证了加强高校社会资本经营的可行性;再次,从校企合作、校友关系、校地交往、教学和科研服务公信力等主要方面,揭示出高校对其自身的社会资本进行管理时存在的主要问题,并从认识、外部环境、高等教育体制、大学内部管理体制以及大学组织机构与规范等层面进行了归因分析;最后,围绕着观念意识、保障机制以及管理策略等三方面核心内容,提出了高校应如何不断完善其社会资本的经营管理,以便最大可能地做好有效促进大学生就业的工作。
[Abstract]:The employment of college students is not only a practical problem that arouses widespread concern, but also a theoretical problem discussed by academic circles. Many scholars have recently discussed the employment of college students from the angle of social capital. This paper focuses on the social and economic background of college students and their families, social networks and other positive or negative effects on their employment, neglecting the influence of the social capital factors on the employment of college students. Therefore, it is undoubtedly of great theoretical and practical value to analyze the factors of social capital to promote the employment of college students from the perspective of colleges and universities, and to a certain extent to solve the problem of employment of college students. Using the methods of literature and comparison, this paper defines the core concepts of the topic, such as employment, social capital, management and so on, and expounds the emergence of the social capital theory based on the topic selection. Secondly, it points out the necessity of using college social capital to promote the employment of college students, and points out the necessity of employment system for college students. This paper analyzes the importance of strengthening the management of social capital in colleges and universities from the three dimensions of employment process and social capital of colleges and universities, and proves the feasibility of strengthening the management of social capital in colleges and universities from the main dimensions of the autonomy of running a university and the organizational boundary. From the main aspects of the cooperation between school and enterprise, the relationship of alumni, the communication between schools and places, the credibility of teaching and scientific research service, this paper reveals the main problems existing in the management of university's own social capital, and from the aspects of cognition, external environment, higher education system, etc. The attribution analysis of the internal management system, the organization and the norm of the university is carried out. Finally, it focuses on the three core contents: the concept and consciousness, the safeguard mechanism and the management strategy. This paper puts forward how colleges and universities should improve the management of their social capital so as to do the best possible work to promote the employment of college students.


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