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发布时间:2018-07-13 21:59
【摘要】:当今时代是信息化时代,智能代替了体力和机械成为社会主要标志,与此同时,社会对高质量的专业性人才需求日益增大,高等教育进入大众化阶段正是在此背景下应运而生的,以培养高级专门人才为目的,满足社会经济发展的需求。 高等教育是培养高级专门人才的主要力量,在国家经济建设、科技进步和社会发展中发挥着重要作用。经济和社会的发展不断地对高等教育提出新的要求,因此,高等教育也在不断的变革与完善中,改革传统的高等教育结构,实现高等教育结构的多样化,建立适应现代经济发展所需要的合理的人才结构。高等教育的变革与发展离不开投资作为保障,只有充足的资金才能够使上述变革成为可能。我国高等教育在精英化教育阶段,基本上是靠国家拨款生存的,随着国家对人才的需求量日益增多,高等教育规模必须扩大。进入大众化教育阶段以后,高等教育的发展需要更多的投资,而此时的政府已经无法提供足够的资金作为支持,只有扩大高等教育投资的来源才能保证其持续健康的发展。高等教育个人投资、社会捐赠、校企合作等筹资渠道不断发挥出重要作用,其中,高等教育个人投资(或者称为高等教育家庭投资)成为政府拨款外高等教育费用的主要来源,因此,引导家庭正确合理投资是保障高等教育健康发展的重要途径。 我国经济发展不均衡,导致居民收入存在差距,尤其是城乡居民收入差距较大,甚至呈现出进一步扩大的趋势,不同的家庭承担高等教育投资的能力不同,相比较而言,城镇居民家庭承担能力较强,农村、山区居民家庭以及部分城镇贫困家庭承担能力弱,更有许多家庭因投资高等教育而负债累累。经济收入水平是个人投资高等教育的一个重要影响因素,除此之外,还有其它因素对其产生影响,如家庭投资高等教育的观念、学生父母的文化水平、对高等教育投资的预期、高校的专业设置等等。 为了探究高等教育个人投资行为,有必要对影响高等教育投资的因素进行研究,本文以人力资本理论、劳动力市场分工理论、社会化理论、行为理论等为基础,结合相关数据资料,经过统计分析,发现影响高等教育个人投资行为的主要因素,找出高等教育个人投资过程中存在的问题,结合实际提出相关对策建议。 本文通过设计调查问卷获取相关资料与数据,问卷围绕高等教育个人投资的行为、影响投资行为的因素、投资成本、专业选择等进行设计,对收集的资料进行实证分析,实证分析包括两个部分:先对资料进行描述性统计分析,再运用统计软件SPSS17.0对数据进行因子分析。根据最终分析,得出影响高等教育个人投资较大的因素和个人投资的教育成本,为进行合理的高等教育投资提供依据。
[Abstract]:Today is the information age. Intelligence has replaced physical strength and machinery as the main symbol of society. At the same time, the demand for high-quality professional talents is increasing day by day. It is against this background that higher education has entered the stage of popularization, which aims at cultivating senior specialized talents to meet the needs of social and economic development. Higher education plays an important role in the national economic construction, scientific and technological progress and social development. The development of economy and society has put forward new requirements for higher education. Therefore, higher education is constantly changing and perfecting, reforming the traditional structure of higher education and realizing the diversification of the structure of higher education. To establish a reasonable talent structure to meet the needs of modern economic development. The reform and development of higher education can not be achieved without investment. China's higher education in the elite stage of education, basically rely on state funding to survive, with the country's increasing demand for talent, the scale of higher education must be expanded. After entering the stage of mass education, the development of higher education needs more investment, but at this time, the government can not provide enough funds to support it. Only by expanding the source of higher education investment can it ensure its sustainable and healthy development. Individual investment in higher education, social donation, and cooperation between schools and enterprises have been playing an important role. Among them, individual investment in higher education (or family investment in higher education) has become the main source of higher education expenses in addition to government funding. Therefore, guiding families to invest correctly and reasonably is an important way to ensure the healthy development of higher education. The unbalanced economic development of our country leads to the existence of income disparity, especially between urban and rural residents, and even shows a trend of further expansion. Different families have different ability to undertake higher education investment, compared with each other. Urban households have strong affordability, rural, mountainous and some poor urban families are weak, and many families are heavily in debt because of their investment in higher education. The level of economic income is an important influence factor for individual investment in higher education. In addition, there are other factors that affect it, such as the concept of family investment in higher education, the educational level of students' parents, and the expectation of investment in higher education. Colleges and universities of professional settings and so on. In order to explore the individual investment behavior of higher education, it is necessary to study the factors that affect the investment in higher education. This paper is based on the theory of human capital, the theory of labor market division, the theory of socialization, the theory of behavior, etc. Combined with relevant data and statistical analysis, this paper finds out the main factors that affect the individual investment behavior of higher education, finds out the problems existing in the process of individual investment in higher education, and puts forward some relevant countermeasures and suggestions combined with the practice. The questionnaire is designed around the behavior of individual investment in higher education, the factors influencing investment behavior, investment cost, professional selection and so on. The empirical analysis consists of two parts: firstly, the descriptive statistical analysis of the data, and then the factor analysis of the data using SPSS 17.0. According to the final analysis, the factors influencing the individual investment in higher education and the educational cost of the individual investment are obtained, which provides the basis for the reasonable investment in higher education.


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