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发布时间:2018-07-14 07:41
【摘要】:关于幸福的讨论从古至今不曾停息。究竟幸福的内涵如何?怎样才能够将真正意义上的幸福抓牢于手中?不同的时期不同的阶段人们给出了自己不同的答案。伴随着社会主义市场经济的蓬勃发展,人们在物质生活得到一定满足的基础之上对于精神生活的需求提出了更高层次的要求。幸福,这个经久不衰的话题自然而然的被赋予了新的意义。人们渴望拥有幸福,并且每个人都试图用自己的方式追求自我认为的幸福的生活。尤其是当今时代的大学生,面对中西方不同价值观融合的困惑,,社会环境对其不同程度的影响、家庭氛围有失偏颇的误导、同辈群体之间的相互作用以及自身心理发育的不完全成熟,都使得他们容易失去对幸福含义的正确判断,在追求幸福的过程中采取了不恰当的方法和手段。当今时代的大学生肩负着建设社会主义现代、文明、和谐社会的重任,他们对于幸福的认知直接作用于他们追求幸福的行为之上,从而影响了其幸福生活的获得及和谐社会的构建。因此,引导大学生树立正确的幸福观,无论是对其自身的发展还是对社会的发展都具有不可小觑的作用。 本文以马克思主义的幸福观为理论依据,综合运用思想政治教育的相关理论及调查问卷、谈话交流等多种方法,从当前大学生幸福观存在的问题着手论述,分析问题产生的原因,最后提出引导大学生树立正确幸福观的教育对策,共分四个部分。 第一部分:引言。本章提出选题的目的与研究意义以及国内外关于当前大学生幸福观教育问题的研究现状。 第二部分:大学生幸福观教育的理论依据。本章提出全文的指导思想马克思主义的幸福观,并且揭示了幸福与教育的关系,阐述了对当今时代大学生进行幸福观教育的必要性。 第三部分:当前大学生幸福观存在的问题及其原因分析。本章通过对调查问卷数据的分析以及通过对谈话交流获得的信息的思考研究,总结归纳出当前大学生在婚恋方面、人际交往方面、择业与就业方面、消费方面以及生命健康方面存在直接影响其幸福的获得的相关问题,并分析了问题出现的原因。 第四部分:引导大学生树立正确幸福观的教育对策。本章首先论述了大学生树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,主要通过婚恋观教育、人际交往观教育、择业就业观教育、消费观教育和生命观教育五个方面入手,通过社会、学校、家庭协同作战,为当代大学生认清幸福的真谛、掌握幸福的能力营造出良好的外部环境。
[Abstract]:The discussion of happiness has not ceased since ancient times. What is the meaning of happiness? How can the true sense of happiness in the hands of grasp? People give their own answers at different times and at different stages. With the vigorous development of socialist market economy, people put forward higher demands on the demand of spiritual life on the basis of material life. Happiness, this enduring topic is naturally given new meaning. People yearn for happiness, and everyone tries to pursue what they believe to be a happy life in their own way. Especially in the face of the confusion of the integration of different values between China and the West, the influence of the social environment on the college students, the family atmosphere is biased and misleading, especially in the face of the confusion of the different values between China and the West. The interaction between peer groups and the immaturity of their own psychological development make them lose their correct judgment of the meaning of happiness and adopt inappropriate methods and means in the process of pursuing happiness. Nowadays, college students shoulder the responsibility of building a socialist modern, civilized and harmonious society. Their cognition of happiness directly affects their behavior in pursuit of happiness. Thus, it affects the acquisition of its happy life and the construction of a harmonious society. Therefore, guiding college students to set up a correct view of happiness plays an important role in both their own development and social development. Based on the Marxist concept of happiness, this paper makes comprehensive use of the relevant theories of ideological and political education, questionnaire, conversation and other methods, and discusses the problems existing in the view of happiness of college students at present. This paper analyzes the causes of the problems, and finally puts forward the educational countermeasures to guide college students to set up a correct concept of happiness, which is divided into four parts. The first part: introduction. This chapter puts forward the purpose and research significance of the topic and the current situation of research on the education of college students'concept of happiness at home and abroad. The second part: the theoretical basis of college students'concept of happiness education. This chapter puts forward the guiding ideology of the full text, Marxist concept of happiness, and reveals the relationship between happiness and education, and expounds the necessity of carrying out the concept of happiness education to college students in the present era. The third part: the existing problems and reasons of college students'concept of happiness. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire data and the reflection on the information obtained from the conversation exchange, this chapter summarizes the current college students in the aspects of love and marriage, interpersonal communication, career choice and employment. There are some related problems in consumption and life health which directly affect their happiness, and the causes of the problems are analyzed. The fourth part: guide the college students to set up the correct view of happiness. This chapter first discusses the college students to establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook, values, mainly through love and marriage education, interpersonal education, employment education, consumption education and life view education, through the society, School and family work together to create a good external environment for contemporary college students to understand the true meaning of happiness and grasp the ability of happiness.


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