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发布时间:2018-07-14 09:54
【摘要】:建设创新型国家成为21世纪俄罗斯国家战略发展的主题之一,建设创新型大学则是创新型国家建设的重要组成部分。俄罗斯创新经济时代的到来,使得社会各个领域需要新知识和技术不断的更新。因此,俄罗斯创新型大学的建设和发展成为人们关注的焦点。 俄罗斯创新型大学的建设是在国际背景和国家经济环境的要求下进行的,俄罗斯联邦政府出台多项关于创新型大学建设的措施,来保障该项目的顺利实施。联邦政府采取“高校创新型教育计划竞赛”的方式,对高校进行评选,获胜的高校被评为创新型大学,政府采用了拨款资助的方式对创新型大学进行创新活动提供支持。通过对莫斯科国立大学被评为创新型大学的案例进行分析,更清楚地总结出高校在创新型建设方面做出的成功经验。 综合分析,从俄联邦政府和高校两个层面分析俄罗斯创新型大学建设的成功经验,政府出台多项政策,,起到了积极地引导作用,并采取有效的竞赛方式对创新型大学进行选拔。高校积极响应国家的政策,在创新科研活动、创新基础设施建设、校企合作等方面做出了积极的努力。结合我国的实际情况,根据俄罗斯创新型大学建设方式和成功的案例,对我们国家创新型大学的建设提供了有益借鉴。
[Abstract]:The construction of innovative country has become one of the themes of the strategic development of Russia in the 21st century, and the construction of innovative university is an important part of the construction of innovative country. With the arrival of the innovation economy in Russia, new knowledge and technology are needed in all fields of society. Therefore, the construction and development of Russian innovative universities have become the focus of attention. The construction of innovative universities in Russia is carried out under the international background and the national economic environment. The Russian Federation government has issued a number of measures on the construction of innovative universities to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. The federal government adopts the "competition for innovative educational programs in colleges and universities" to select the universities. The winning universities are rated as innovative universities, and the government provides support for innovative activities of innovative universities by means of grants. Based on the analysis of the case of Moscow State University as an innovative university, the successful experiences in innovative construction are summarized more clearly. Through comprehensive analysis and analysis of the successful experience in the construction of innovative universities in Russia from the two aspects of the Russian federal government and universities, the government has issued a number of policies, which have played an active role in guiding and adopting effective competition to select innovative universities. Colleges and universities actively respond to national policies and make positive efforts in innovating scientific research activities, innovating infrastructure construction and cooperation between schools and enterprises. According to the actual situation of our country, according to the construction mode and successful case of Russian innovative university, this paper provides a useful reference for the construction of innovative university in our country.


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1 曲波;创新型大学建设问题研究[D];中国海洋大学;2009年




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