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发布时间:2018-07-14 09:58
【摘要】:在公众对品牌学校和优质教育资源的需求越来越强烈的环境下,民办高校面临的竞争也日益激烈,公办高校的资源优势、国外名校进入国内教育市场以及国内同类民办高校的发展等,使得民办高校的发展举步维艰。同时随着高等教育由卖方市场向买方市场转变,公众对高校品牌的追求日益明显,民办高校只有塑造品牌体现特色,才能赢得消费者的青睐。因此创建品牌战略是民办高校必经之路,高校设计好显性与隐性品牌元素是实施好品牌战略的第一步。 文章采用文献研究、规范分析、案例分析等研究方法,以国内排名较前的民办高校和广东省三所民办高校为主要研究对象,分析民办高校品牌建设的现状和存在的问题,针对高校这一主体的特殊性,提出高校品牌显性要素和隐性要素构建的内容,最后用民办高校品牌要素设计的研究结果指导广东省X学院(民办高校)的品牌塑造,达到帮助X学院提升品牌形象的目的。 文章第一部分介绍了论文的研究背景、研究意义、研究的主要内容和研究目标。回顾与本研究有关的文献,主要阐述了品牌和品牌要素的概念与内涵、品牌要素与品牌形象的关系等理论,为民办高校品牌要素设计提供理论依据。 文章第二部分对民办高校品牌建设的环境与现状进行分析,在梳理国内和广东省几所民办高校办学现状的基础上,分析当前我国民办高校发展的环境,同时总结出各高校在品牌建设方面的不足之处。 第三部分结合民办高校品牌建设的实际,提出民办高校品牌显性(校名、校徽、校园环境、教学设施等)和隐性(管理、校园文化、教学质量、师资团队等)要素建设的措施。 最后简单介绍了广东省民办高校X学院的基本情况,把民办高校品牌要素设计的研究应用到X学院的发展中,推动X学院品牌形象提升,提高其社会知名度。同时也为其他民办高校走品牌之路提供理论参考。
[Abstract]:Under the increasingly strong public demand for brand schools and high-quality educational resources, private colleges and universities are facing increasingly fierce competition. The entry of foreign famous universities into the domestic education market and the development of similar private colleges and universities make the development of private colleges and universities difficult. At the same time, with the change of higher education from seller's market to buyer's market, the public's pursuit of university brand is becoming more and more obvious. Therefore, establishing brand strategy is the only way for private colleges and universities, and the first step to implement brand strategy is to design the dominant and recessive brand elements. This article adopts the research methods of literature research, normative analysis, case analysis and so on, taking the private colleges and universities in the top rank in China and three private colleges and universities in Guangdong Province as the main research objects, analyzes the present situation and the existing problems of the brand construction of the private colleges and universities. In view of the particularity of this subject, this paper puts forward the contents of the construction of the dominant and recessive elements of the brand in colleges and universities. Finally, the research results of the design of the brand elements of the private colleges and universities are used to guide the brand shaping of the X Institute of Guangdong Province (private colleges and universities). To help X College to improve the brand image of the purpose. The first part introduces the research background, research significance, main contents and research objectives. This paper reviews the literature related to this study, mainly expounds the concept and connotation of brand and brand elements, the relationship between brand elements and brand image, and provides a theoretical basis for the design of brand elements in private colleges and universities. The second part of the article analyzes the environment and present situation of the brand construction of private colleges and universities. On the basis of combing the current situation of running private colleges and universities in China and Guangdong Province, it analyzes the environment of the development of private colleges and universities in our country. At the same time, it summarizes the deficiency of brand construction in colleges and universities. The third part combines the reality of brand construction in private colleges and universities, and puts forward the measures of brand dominance (school name, school emblem, campus environment, teaching facilities, etc.) and recessive (management, campus culture, teaching quality, teaching staff, etc.). In the end, the author introduces the basic situation of the private colleges and universities in Guangdong province, and applies the research of the design of the brand elements to the development of the X colleges to promote the brand image of the colleges and improve their social popularity. At the same time, it also provides a theoretical reference for other private colleges and universities to take the road of brand.


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