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发布时间:2018-07-15 11:51
【摘要】:“个性”“独立”“脆弱”“创新”……当带着这些代名词横空出世的“90后”渐渐成为社会青年主力军的时候,他们的一切成长和变化都受到了人们越来越多的关注。自2008年秋季入学,我国高校迎来了第一批“90后”大学生,目前高校在校大学生已经全部都是“90后”,他们的与众不同给高校教育提出了新的挑战。“拜金主义”“金钱至上”等消极观念在社会蔓延,使社会上出现政治信仰危机,这种危机已经波及到校园,使很多“90后”大学生出现了政治信仰困惑的状况,这给高等教育提出了新的挑战。那么,该如何化解这些“90后”大学生的政治信仰困惑?又该如何对这些有着独特个性的“90后”大学生进行政治信仰教育?带着对这些问题的思考,笔者在对大连海事大学、大连理工大学、辽宁师范大学等大连地区五所高校进行政治信仰现状的调研和分析的基础上,阐述了当前“90后”大学生出现政治信仰困惑的主要原因,并针对“90后”大学生与众不同的性格特点及其政治信仰困惑形成的主要原因,提出化解“90后”大学生政治信仰困惑的最主要路径是加强政治信仰教育,而加强政治信仰教育应从五个方面着手,即政治信仰教育内容——丰富马克思主义政治信仰教育内容;政治信仰教育媒介——强化政治信仰教育课堂主渠道作用;政治信仰教育者——建设坚定的政治信仰教育队伍;政治信仰教育方式——开展多样的政治信仰教育实践活动;政治信仰教育范围——政治信仰教育仅仅局限于学校教育是不够的,要扩大政治信仰教育的范围。 文章分为四个部分,第一部分介绍了选题背景和研究意义、研究现状、研究思路和方法及文章创新点;第二部分阐述了“90后”大学生的群体特征,信仰、政治信仰的内涵及确立正确的政治信仰对大学生成长的作用;第三部分在分析问卷调查的基础上,归纳了“90后”大学生政治信仰的现状,说明了“90后”大学生政治信仰困惑的成因;第四部分提出了化解对“90后”大学生政治信仰困惑的路径。
[Abstract]:Personality, independence, vulnerability, innovation. When the "post-90s" born with these synonyms gradually become the main force of social youth, all their growth and changes have been paid more and more attention. Since the autumn of 2008, colleges and universities in our country have welcomed the first group of "post-90s" students. At present, all the college students are "post-90s", and their differences have brought new challenges to the education of colleges and universities. The negative ideas such as "money worship" and "money supremacy" spread in the society, resulting in a crisis of political belief in the society, which has spread to the campus and caused many post-90s college students to have a confused situation of political belief. This poses a new challenge to higher education. So, how to resolve these "90" college students' political belief confusion? And how to carry on the political belief education to these "90 generation" college students who have the unique personality? With the consideration of these problems, the author investigates and analyzes the current situation of political belief in five universities in Dalian, such as Dalian Maritime University, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning normal University, etc. This paper expounds the main reasons for the political belief confusion of the post-90s college students, and aims at the distinctive personality characteristics of the post-90s college students and the main reasons for the formation of the political belief bewilderment. It is suggested that the most important way to resolve the confusion of political belief of post-90s college students is to strengthen the education of political belief, and to strengthen the education of political belief should be started from five aspects. That is, the content of political belief education-enriching Marxist political belief education content; political belief education media-strengthening the main role of political belief education classroom; political belief educator-building a firm political belief education team; The way of political belief education is to carry out various practical activities of political belief education, the scope of political belief education is not limited to school education, and the scope of political belief education should be expanded. The article is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the background and significance of the topic, the status quo of the research, the research ideas and methods, and the innovation of the article. The second part expounds the group characteristics, beliefs of the post-90s college students. The connotation of political belief and the effect of establishing correct political belief on the growth of college students. The third part summarizes the current situation of political belief of post-90s college students on the basis of questionnaire survey. It explains the causes of the political belief confusion of the post-90s college students, and the fourth part puts forward the way to resolve the political belief confusion of the post-90s college students.


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